Hi all,
    I'm late in sending this announement, but I'm glad to see several projects
have already requested EOL releases to make it trivial and obvious where to
apply the tag.

I'm proposing to EOL all projects that meet one or more of the following

- The project is openstack-dev/devstack, openstack-dev/grenade or
- The project has the 'check-requirements' job listed as a template in
- The project gates with either devstack or grenade jobs
- The project is listed in governance:reference/projects.yaml and is tagged
  with 'stable:follows-policy'.

Some statistics:
All Repos                      : 1584 (covered in zuul/layout.yaml)
Checked Repos                  :  416 (match one or more of the above criteria)
Repos with mitaka branches     :  409
EOL Repos                      :  199 (repos that match the criteria *and* have
                                       a mitaka branch) [1]
NOT EOL Repos                  :  210 (repos with a mitaka branch but
                                       otherwise do not match) [2]
DSVM Repos (staying)           :   68 (repos that use dsvm but don't have
                                       mitaka branches)
Tagged Repos                   :    0
Open Reviews                   :  159 (reviews to close)

Please look over both lists by 2017-04-17 00:00 UTC and let me know if:
- A project is in list 1 and *really* *really* wants to opt *OUT* of EOLing and
  why.  Note doing this will amost certainly reduce the testing coverage you
  have in the gate.
- A project is in list 2 that would like to opt *IN* to tagging/EOLing

Any projects that will be EOL'd will need all open reviews abandoned before it
can be processed.  I'm very happy to do this, or if I don't have permissios to
do it ask a gerrit admin to do it.

Yours Tony.


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