Hey Michael,

On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Michael Turek <mjtu...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

> Hey ironic-ers,
> So our third party CI job for ironic has been, and remains, broken. I was
> able to do some investigation today and here's a summary of what we're
> seeing. I'm hoping someone might know the root of the problem.
> For reference, please see this paste and the logs of the job that I was
> working in:
> http://paste.openstack.org/show/606564/
> https://dal05.objectstorage.softlayer.net/v1/AUTH_3d8e6ecb-
> f597-448c-8ec2-164e9f710dd6/pkvmci/ironic/25/454625/10/
> check-ironic/tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ipmitool/0520958/
> I've redacted the credentials in the ironic node-show for obvious reasons
> but rest assured they are properly set. These commands are run while
> '/opt/stack/new/ironic/devstack/lib/ironic:wait_for_nova_resources' is
> looping.
> Basically, the ironic hypervisor for the node doesn't appear. As well,
> none of the node's properties make it to the hypervisor stats.
> Some more strangeness is that the 'count' value from the 'openstack
> hypervisor stats show'. Though no hypervisors appear, the count is still 1.
> Since the run was broken, I decided to delete node-0 (about 3-5 minutes
> before the run failed) and see if it updated the count. It did.
> Does anyone have any clue what might be happening here? Any advice would
> be appreciated!

So the failure seems to be here --
API and conductor are not able to communicate via RPC for some reason. Need
to investigate this more. Do you mind filing a bug about this?

> Thanks,
> mjturek
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