+1.  Provide a sanitize_uuid() or similar, which may be as simple as:

def sanitize_uuid(val):
        return uuid.UUID(val)
    except ValueError:
        raise SomePossiblyNewException(...)

UUID consumers are encouraged, but not required, to use it - so we
retain backward compatibility overall, and fixes like this one can be
implemented individually.

On 04/24/2017 08:53 AM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Excerpts from Jadhav, Pooja's message of 2017-04-24 13:45:07 +0000:
>> Hi Devs,
>> I want your opinion about bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1680130
>> When user passes incorrect formatted UUID, volume UUID like: 
>> 11111111-2222-4444-5555--666666666666(please note double hyphen) for 
>> attaching a volume to an instance using "volume-attach" API then it results 
>> into DBDataError with following error message: "Data too long for column 
>> 'volume_id'". The reason is in database "block_device_mapping" table has 
>> "volume_id" field of 36 characters only so while inserting data to the table 
>> through 'BlockDeviceMapping' object it raises DBDaTaError.
>> In current code, volume_id is of 'UUID' format so it uses "is_uuid_like"[4] 
>> method of oslo_utils and in this method, it removes all the hyphens and 
>> checks 32 length UUID and returns true or false. As 
>> "11111111-2222-4444-5555--666666666666" this UUID treated as valid and 
>> further it goes into database table for insertion, as its size is more than 
>> 36 characters it gives DBDataError.
>> There are various solutions we can apply to validate volume UUID in this 
>> case:
>> Solution 1:
>> We can restrict the length of volume UUID using maxlength property in schema 
>> validation.
>> Advantage:
>> This solution is better than solution 2 and 3 as we can restrict the invalid 
>> UUID at schema [1] level itself by adding 'maxLength'[2].
>> Solution 2:
>> Before creating a volume BDM object, we can check that the provided volume 
>> is actually present or not.
>> Advantage:
>> Volume BDM creation can be avoided if the volume does not exists.
>> Disadvantage:
>> IMO this solution is not better because we need to change the current code. 
>> Because in the current code after creating volume BDM it is checking volume 
>> is exists or not.
>> We have to check volume existence before creating volume BDM object. For 
>> that we need to modify the "_check_attach_and_reserve_volume" method [3]. 
>> But this method get used at 3 places. According to it, we have to modify all 
>> the occurrences as per behavior.
>> Solution 3:
>> We can check UUID in central place means in "is_uuid_like" method of 
>> oslo_utils [4].
>> Advantage:
>> If we change the "is_uuid_like" method then same issue might be solved for 
>> the rest of the APIs.
>> Disadvantage:
>> IMO this also not a better solution because if we change the "is_uuid_like" 
>> method then it will affect on several different projects.
> Another option would be to convert the input value to a canonical form.
> So if is_uuid_like() returns true, then pass the value to a new function
> format_canonical_uuid() which would format it with the proper number of
> hyphens. That value could then be stored correctly.
> Doug
>> Please let me know your opinion for the same.
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/api/openstack/compute/schemas/volumes.py#L65
>> [2] 
>> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/api/validation/parameter_types.py#L297
>> [3] https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/compute/api.py#L3721
>> [4] 
>> https://github.com/openstack/oslo.utils/blob/master/oslo_utils/uuidutils.py#L45
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