On 12/03/2013 10:04 AM, John Dickinson wrote:
How are you proposing that this integrate with Swift's account and container 
quotas (especially since there may be hundreds of thousands of accounts and 
millions (billions?) of containers in a single Swift cluster)? A centralized 
lookup for quotas doesn't really seem to be a scalable solution.

From reading below, it does not look like a centralized lookup is what the design is. A push-change strategy is what is described, where the quota numbers themselves are stored in a canonical location in Keystone, but when those numbers are changed, Keystone would send a notification of that change to subscribing services such as Swift, which would presumably have one or more levels of caching for things like account and container quotas...



On Dec 3, 2013, at 6:53 AM, Oleg Gelbukh <ogelb...@mirantis.com> wrote:


We reviewed the design of this feature at the summit with CERN and HP teams. 
Centralized quota storage in Keystone is an anticipated feature, but there are 
concerns about adding quota enforcement logic for every service to Keystone. 
The agreed solution is to add quota numbers storage to Keystone, and add 
mechanism that will notify services about change to the quota. Service, in 
turn, will update quota cache and apply the new quota value according to its 
own enforcement rules.

More detailed capture of the discussion on etherpad:

Re this particular change, we plan to reuse this API extension code, but 
extended to support domain-level quota as well.

Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh
Mirantis Labs

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Chmouel Boudjnah <chmo...@enovance.com> wrote:

I was wondering what was the status of Keystone being the central place across 
all OpenStack projects for quotas.

There is already an implementation from Dmitry here :


but hasn't seen activities since october waiting for icehouse development to be 
started and a few bits to be cleaned and added (i.e: the sqlite migration).

It would be great if we can get this rekicked to get that for icehouse-2.


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