On 30.5.2017 23:03, Emilien Macchi wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Attila Darazs <adar...@redhat.com> wrote:
If the topics below interest you and you want to contribute to the
discussion, feel free to join the next meeting:

Time: Thursdays, 14:30-15:30 UTC
Place: https://bluejeans.com/4113567798/

Full minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting

= Periodic & Promotion OVB jobs Quickstart transition =

We had a lively technical discussions this week. Gabriele's work on
transitioning the periodic & promotion jobs is nearly complete, only needs
reviews at this point. We won't set a transition date for these as it is not
really impacting folks long term if these jobs are failing for a few days at
this point. We'll transition when everything is ready.

= RDO Cloud & Devmode OVB =

We continued planning the introduction of RDO Cloud for the upstream OVB
jobs. We're still at the point of account setup.

The new OVB based devmode seems to be working fine. If you have access to
RDO Cloud, and haven't tried it already, give it a go. It can set up a full
master branch based deployment within 2 hours, including any pending changes
baked into the under & overcloud.

When you have your account info sourced, all it takes is

$ ./devmode.sh --ovb

from your tripleo-quickstart repo! See here[1] for more info.

= Container jobs on nodepool multinode =

Gabriele is stuck with these new Quickstart jobs. We would need a deep dive
into debugging and using the container based TripleO deployments. Let us
know if you can do one!

I've pinged some folks around, let's see if someone volunteers to make it.

I can lead the deep dive as i've been involved in implementation of all the multinode jobs (deployment, upgrade, scenarios deployment + upgrade).

Currently only the upgrade job is merged and working. Deployment job is ready to merge (imho :) ), let's get it in place before we do the deep dive, so that we talk about things that are already working as intended. However, i think we don't have to block on getting the scenario jobs all going and polished, those are not all green yet (2/4 deployment jobs green, 1/4 upgrade jobs green).

I hope that sounds like a sensible plan. Let me know in case you have any feedback.



= How to handle Quickstart configuration =

This a never-ending topic, on which we managed to spend a good chunk of time
this week as well. Where should we put various configs? Should we duplicate
a bunch of variables or cut them into small files?

For now it seems we can agree on 3 levels of configuration:

* nodes config (i.e. how many nodes we want for the deployment)
* envionment + provisioner settings (i.e. you want to run on rdocloud with
ovb, or on a local machine with libvirt)
* featureset (a certain set of features enabled/disabled for the jobs, like
pacemaker and ssl)

This seems rather straightforward until we encounter exceptions. We're going
to figure out the edge cases and rework the current configs to stick to the

That's it for this week. Thank you for reading the summary.

Best regards,

[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-quickstart/devmode-ovb.html

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