On 13.6.2017 09:58, Or Idgar wrote:
Can you please send me the meeting invitation?

Hi Or,

i've just added the bluejeans link to the etherpads. I'm not posting it here as i want the "sources of truth" for that link to be editable, in case we hit some issues with the setup / joining etc.


Thanks in advance!

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 5:49 PM, Jiří Stránský <ji...@redhat.com> wrote:


as discussed previously on the list and at the weekly meeting, we'll do a
deep dive about containers. The time:

Thursday 15th June, 14:00 UTC (the usual time)

Link for attending will be at the deep dives etherpad [1], preliminary
agenda is in another etherpad [2], and i hope i'll be able to record it too.

This time it may be more of a "broad dive" :) as that's what containers in
TripleO mostly are -- they add new bits into many TripleO areas/topics
(composable services/upgrades, Quickstart/CI, etc.). So i'll be trying to
bring light to the container-specific parts of the mix, and assume some
familiarity with the generic TripleO concepts/features (e.g. via docs and
previous deep dives). Given this pattern, i'll have slides with links into
code. I'll post them online, so that you can reiterate or examine some code
more closely later, in case you want to.

Have a good day!


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-deep-dive-topics
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-deep-dive-containers

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