On 06/22/2017 04:33 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Sean Dague wrote:
>> [...]
>> I think even if it was only solvable on github, and not cgit, it would
>> help a lot. The idea of using github project tags and pinning suggested
>> by Lauren seems great to me.
>> If we replicated the pinning on github.com/openstack to "popular
>> projects" here - https://www.openstack.org/software/, and then even just
>> start with the tags as defined in governance -
>> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/tags/index.html it would
>> go a long way.
>> I think where the conversation is breaking down is realizing that
>> different people process the information we put out there in different
>> ways, and different things lock in and make sense to them. Lots of
>> people are trained to perceive github structure as meaningful, because
>> it is 98% of the time. As such I'd still also like to see us using that
>> structure well, and mirroring only things we tag as official to
>> github.com/openstack, and the rest to /openstack-ecosystem or something.
>> Even if that's flat inside our gerrit and cgit environment.
> I would even question the need for us to mirror the rest. Those are
> hosted projects, if they want presence on GitHub they would certainly
> welcome the idea of setting up an organization for their project. I
> wouldn't be shocked to find a fuel-ccp or a stacktach GitHub org. And if
> they don't care about their GitHub presence, then just don't do
> anything. I'm not sure why we would make that choice for us.
> Jeremy is right that the GitHub mirroring goes beyond an infrastructure
> service: it's a marketing exercise, an online presence more than a
> technical need. As such it needs to be curated, and us doing that for
> "projects that are not official but merely hosted" is an anti-feature.
> No real value for the hosted project, and extra confusion as a result.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that. I'd be totally fine only mirroring
official projects.


Sean Dague

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