On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 1:37 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Castulo, sorry for the delayed response on this. Has your team moved
> forward on any of this?

IIRC this work was impacted by the OSIC shutdown, I believe it is not
currently on anyone's radar.

> What about the Grenade testing framework that uses devstack as its
> deployment system was not useful or usable for you?

I can take at least part of the blame in encouraging them to not
attempt to leverage Grenade directly.  Grenade needs to be replaced as
it has far out-lived its expected life[0].

Grenade was built to do static in-place upgrades and the fact that it
has been pushed as far as it has is a happy surprise to me.  However,
it is fundamentally limited in its abilities as a test orchestrator,
implementing robust multi-node capabilities and the granularity that
is required to properly do upgrade testing really needs a reboot.  In
a well-funded world that would include replacing DevStack too, which
while nice is not strictly necessary to achieve the testing goals they

The thing that Grenade and DevStack have going for them besides
inertia is that they are not otherwise tied to any deployment
strategy.  Starting over from scratch really is not an option at this
point, something existing really does need to be leveraged even though
it may hurt some feelings along the way for the project(s) not chosen.


[0] Seriously, I never expected Grenade (or DevStack for that matter)
to have survived this long, but they have mostly because they were/are
just barely good enough that nobody wants to fund replacing them.


Dean Troyer

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