
First of all, thank you for all that you have done in leading the charge
around the SWG (since long before it got that name). I had the good fortune
of being able to work with the first group of members of the TC who
attended the training in Michigan at Zing Train and I think the discussions
we had there, and the changes that you were able to drive as part of the
SWG were very useful.

Thanks, and all the very best at Spotify,


On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Colette Alexander <> wrote:

> Hello Stackers,
> As many of you know, I recently took a job with Spotify in New York City.
> I spoke with many folks about the transition plans when I was at the Boston
> Forum, and we all decided that it would make sense for me to get settled
> into the new position before deciding what amounts of time I had to tend to
> SWG work, and therefore what my future in the community would look like.
> My new job has become a lot busier a lot sooner than expected. I think
> I'll have a little bit more time in my schedule in the next month or so to
> do OpenStack related work, but after summer holidays, I expect things to
> pick back up again.
> Because of all of the unknowns around my availability for working on SWG
> things, I think now is a good time to start discussing a potential
> replacement for me as the chair of the group. I have loved working with
> OpenStack and I plan on sticking around in the IRC channel and monitoring
> mailing list work, but I don't think it's fair to the SWG, TC or the entire
> community for me to stay on as chair when I can't devote as much time as
> I'd like to spearheading efforts in the community.
> So - that means I'd love to hear from folks about who might be a good
> replacement. I have spoken to a few people behind the scenes to gauge
> interest, but I'd like to open it up the community as a whole at this point
> to start a discussion.
> For those of you who don't know what the Stewardship Working Group is:
> is a good place
> to start
> Some of the workstreams going on:
> a) Follow up on project ideas from leadership training
> b) Any more poking/helping along of the TC with their current vision
> c) An actual vision for the SWG and their next batch of work (this would
> be based on feedback from the training sessions above, and from the
> community, collected at the Atlanta PTG - https://etherpad.openstack.
> org/p/AtlantaPTG-SWG
> d) The future of leadership training (more to schedule? break it up into
> smaller groups? who knows?)
> I'd be happy to onboard anyone who's interested in terms of getting them
> up to speed on these items.
> If anyone wants to discuss any of this with me directly I'm gothicmindfood
> on IRC.
> Thanks so much for being such an amazing community to be in - you all
> continue to be some of my favorite humans and I'm so lucky to have gotten a
> chance to work with you.
> Sincerely,
> -colette/gothicmindfood
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