On 30.6.2017 15:04, Attila Darazs wrote:
= Renaming the CI jobs =

When we started the job transition to Quickstart, we introduced the
concept of featuresets[1] that define a certain combination of features
for each job.

This seemed to be a sensible solution, as it's not practical to mention
all the individual features in the job name, and short names can be
misleading (for example ovb-ha job does so much more than tests HA).

We decided to keep the original names for these jobs to simplify the
transition, but the plan is to rename them to something that will help
to reproduce the jobs locally with Quickstart.

The proposed naming scheme will be the same as the one we're now using
for job type in project-config:


So for example the current "gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-ha-oooq" job
would look like "gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001"

I'd prefer to keep the job names somewhat descriptive... If i had to pick one or the other, i'd rather stick with the current way, as at least for me it's higher priority to see descriptive names in CI results than saving time on finding featureset file mapping when needing to reproduce a job result. My eyes scan probably more than a hundred of individual CI job results daily, but i only need to reproduce 0 or 1 job failures locally usually.

Alternatively, could we rename "featureset001.yaml" into "featureset-ovb-ha.yaml" and then have i guess something like "gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-ovb-ha" for the job name? Maybe "ovb" would be there twice, in case it's needed both in node config and featureset parts of the job name...

Or we could pull the mapping between job name and job type in an automated way from project-config.

(Will be on PTO for a week from now, apologies if i don't respond timely here.)

Have a good day,


The advantage of this will be that it will be easy to reproduce a gate
job on a local virthost by typing something like:

./quickstart.sh --release tripleo-ci/master \
      --nodes config/nodes/3ctlr_1comp.yml \
      --config config/general_config/featureset001.yml \

Please let us know if this method sounds like a step forward.

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