Sean Dague <> writes:

> On 07/05/2017 03:23 PM, Emilien Macchi wrote:
> <snip>
>> I also believe that some of the scripts could be transformed into
>> native features of Storyboard where bugs could be auto-triaged
>> periodically without human intervention.
>> Maybe it would convince more OpenStack projects to leave Launchpad and
>> adopt Storyboard?
>> I would certainly one of those and propose such a change for TripleO &
>> related projects.
> Maybe... my concern there is that workflow encoded into trackers is
> pretty static, and it's hard to evolve, because it impacts all users of
> that platform. Where as a script that processes bugs externally can
> adapt really quickly based on what's working / not working with a
> particular team. There is no 1 right way to handle bugs, it's just about
> making every bug handling team the most effective that they can be.
> Which means I assume that different teams would find different parts of
> this useful, and other parts things they wouldn't want to use at all.
> That's why I tried to make every "processing unit" it's own cli.
> Ideally storyboard would just be a lot more receptive to these kinds of
> things, by emitting a more native event stream, and having really good
> tag support (preferably actually project scoped tags, so setting it on
> the nova task doesn't impact the neutron tasks on the same story, as an
> for instance) so the hack we need to do on LP isn't needed. But,
> actually, beyond that, keeping the processing logic team specific is a
> good thing. It's much like the fact that we've largely done gerrit
> review dashboards client side, because they are fast to iterate on, then
> server side.

I agree.  I think being able to add things to Storyboard is great, and
as we've been using it more, we've done some of that.  But we've also
run into places where we found that we needed Storyboard to do some
things that were ultimately project-specific workflows.  So I think long
term we're going to have both things -- adding features that make sense
globally as well as ones that facilitate local configuration and

As an example, the "board" feature on storyboard can be really useful,
but we wanted to automate some of the movement between lanes.  Lanes are
arbitrary.  Rather than writing a new processing language to describe
that and incorporating that into Storyboard, we wrote a script to manage
one specific board using the Storyboard API.

The board is here:!/board/41

The script is here:

(Basically, that script automatically moves tasks between lanes based on
status according to the map defined on line 65, while still allowing
folks to manually move tasks between certain classes of lanes -- so a
task marked as 'todo' can be in either the 'New', 'Backlog', or 'Todo'

I'm imagining a future where we have lots of scripts like that (or maybe
a few framework scripts like Sean's, with configuration), and we run
those scripts in Infra but projects are responsible for their own


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