Hi Greg,

Magnum clusters currently support using only a single network for all
communication. See the heat templates[1][2] in the drivers.
On the bare metal side, currently ironic effectively supports using only a
single network interface due to a lack of support for physical network
awareness. This feature[3] will be added in the Pike release, at which
point it will be possible to create bare metal instances with multiple

[3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1666009


On 17 July 2017 at 14:27, Waines, Greg <greg.wai...@windriver.com> wrote:

> When MAGNUM launches a VM or Ironic instance for a COE master or minion
> node, with the COE Image,
> What is the interface configuration and assumptions for these nodes ?
> e.g.
> - only a single interface ?
> - master and minion communication over that interface ?
> - communication to Docker Registry or public Docker Hub over that
> interface ?
> - public communications for containers over that interface ?
> Greg.
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