Now that Stephen Finucane is back from enjoying his youth and gallivanting all over Europe, and we talked about a few things in IRC this morning on the docs migration for Nova, I wanted to dump my concerns here for broader consumption.

1. We know we have to fix a bunch of broken links by adding in redirects [1] which sdague started here [2]. However, that apparently didn't catch everything, e.g. [3], so I'm concerned we're missing other broken links. Is there a way to find out?

2. The bottom change in the docs migration series for Nova is a massive refactor of the layout of the Nova devref [4]. That's something I don't want to do in Pike for two reasons:

a) It's a huge change and we simply don't have the time to invest in properly assessing and reviewing it before Pike RC1.

b) I think that if we're going to refactor the Nova devref home page to be a certain format, then we should really consider doing the same thing in the other projects, because today they are all different formats [5][6][7]. This is likely a cross-project discussion for the Queens PTG to determine if the home page for the projects should look similar. It seems they should given the uniformity that the Foundation has been working toward lately.

3. The patch for the import of the admin guide [8] is missing some CLI specific pages which are pretty useful given they aren't documented anywhere else, like the forced_host part of the compute API [9]. Basically anything that's cli-nova-* in the admin guide should be in the Nova docs. It's also missing the compute-flavors page [10] which is pretty important for using OpenStack at all.

4. Similar to #3, but we don't have a patch yet for importing the user guide and there are several docs in the user guide that are Nova specific so I'd like to make sure we include those, like [11][12].

[9] [10] [11] [12]




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