Excerpts from Dmitry Tantsur's message of 2017-08-03 16:16:12 +0200:
> Hi!
> On 08/03/2017 03:03 PM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> > Welcome to our regular release countdown email!
> > 
> <snip>
> > 
> > 
> > Actions
> > -------
> > 
> > Deliverables following the cycle-with-milestones model should post a RC1
> > openstack/releases request during the week (X.0.0.0rc1), together with a
> > stable/pike branch request. It should include something like this:
> > 
> > ...
> >    - projects:
> >        - hash: YOURHASH
> >          repo: openstack/YOURPROJECT
> >      version: YOURVERSION.0.0.0rc1
> > branches:
> >    - location: YOURVERSION.0.0.0rc1
> >      name: stable/pike
> > 
> > Deliverables following the cycle-with-intermediary model should also
> > create their Pike release branch next week. That means potentially
> > making a last Pike release, and in all cases posting the stable/pike
> > branch creation request:
> > 
> > ...
> > branches:
> >    - location: YOUR.PIKE.VERSION
> >      name: stable/pike
> https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html mentions the week after 
> next 
> (starting Aug 21) to be the last week for cycle-with-intermediary releases. 
> Are 
> we expected to branch before that? Could you please clarify the hard deadline?

Stable branches are always created from tagged releases. So, you
need to prepare a release to serve as the base of the branch.

Milestone-based projects use an 0rc1 tag for that release, indicating
that it is a release candidate. Those are scheduled for 10 Aug this

cycle-with-intermediary projects like Monasca should use a full
regular release as the base of the branch. Those should be created
some time between the RC1 week and that final deadline on 24 Aug.
By selecting the cycle-with-intermediary model, you've indicated
that you want more control over the release process and understand
the risks, so you'll have to decide how to balance the timing of
the branch on your own. Branching too early means you may have to
backport more fixes and may have to make more patch releases.
Branching later means your users have less time to test the released
version that will ship as part of Pike.

After 24 Aug, we freeze the release repo for a week to give folks
time to test the last release candidates for milestone-based projects.
Only really critical fixes (installation deletes the entire database,
or infects servers, or whatever) for any project will be released
between 24 Aug and 30 Aug. Normal patch releasing usually resumes the
following week, after we open the requirements repository again.

Releases from master after 24 Aug will be considered part of Queens, not

Does that help?


> > 
> > 
> > Upcoming Deadlines & Dates
> > --------------------------
> > 
> > RC1 target deadline (and HardStringFreeze): August 10
> > Final Pike release: August 30
> > Queens PTG in Denver: Sept 11-15
> > 
> > As usual come find us on #openstack-release IRC channel if you have any
> > questions or concerns.
> > 

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