Morgan Fainberg wrote:
On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Kevin L. Mitchell<>  wrote:
On Fri, 2017-08-04 at 14:52 -0700, Morgan Fainberg wrote:
Maybe not, but please do recall that there are many deployers out
that track master, not fixed releases, so we need to take that
level of
compatibility into account.

Any idea of who are these deployers? I think I knew once who they might have been but I'm not really sure anymore. Are they still doing this (and can afford doing it)? Why don't we hear more about them? I'd expect that deployers (and there associated developer army) that are trying to do this would be the *most* active in IRC and in the mailing list yet I don't really see any such activity (which either means we never break them, which seems highly unlikely, or that they don't communicate through the normal channels, ie they go through some vendor, or that they just flat out don't exist anymore).

I'd personally really like to know how they do it (especially if they do not have an associated developer army)... Because they have always been a pink elephant that I've heard exists 'somewhere' and they manage to make this all work 'somehow'.


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