Might I suggest a PTG activity such as an evening docathon?

Drinks and Docs

Everyone welcome to locate in some convenient location to review/test docs, 
converse and plan for the next dev cycle with Docs folks.  It might not be 
doable at this late date for Pike, but I suspect there may be some availability 
of folks during the PTG.  It's also a great way to tie up a release, having all 
the teams test the docs for the release and get a refresh of what the release 
is and where the next dev cycle needs to start from (yes, I know, it's actually 
already started, but the big plans will start from the PTG).

Just a suggestion on how to spur participation.  Hope it's helpful.


> From: Doug Hellmann 
> Excerpts from Alexandra Settle's message of 2017-08-25 08:57:51 +0000:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > The documentation team is searching for volunteers to help test and
> > verify the OpenStack installation instructions here:
> > https://docs.openstack.org/install-guide/
> >
> > Previously this action has been undertaken by a series of volunteers,
> mostly from the documentation team. However due to the migration, and a
> significant drop in contributors, we are now seeking new individuals to help
> us complete this task.
> >
> > We will be tracking any work here:
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/PikeDocTesting You can
> > see what we have previously done for testing here:
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/OcataDocTesting
> >
> > PTLs of cinder/keystone/horizon/neutron/nova/glance – Previously the
> > documentation team performed the testing tasks for your respective
> > projects as they lived within the openstack-manuals repo. We
> > appreciate that you may or may not have the resources to continue this
> > effort, but it would be great if your teams are able. Please let me
> > know if you are able to so we can verify the instructions of these
> > projects :)
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alex
> Thanks for starting this thread, Alex.  I want to add a little background for
> folks only now catching up with the state of the migration initiative and
> documentation for Pike.
> At the start of the Pike cycle we lost most of our technical writers.
> By the time of the summit in Boston, it wasn't clear (at least to
> me) if we would have *any* writers left at the start of the Queens cycle.
> Luckily it seems we will, but without knowing that a few months ago I
> encouraged the docs team to make some decisions about prioritizing work
> that will leave us in a less than ideal, but recoverable, state for Pike.
> We started by emphasizing the need to move all of the existing content to a
> new home so it could be maintained by more owners -- this was the aspect
> of the migration spec that most of you will be familiar with, and with over
> 1100 reviews tagged 'doc-migration' I think it's safe to say this was the 
> bulk of
> the work.
> We did not completely address two important aspects of managing that
> content after the migration: translations and testing.
> We looked into translations far enough to know that it would be possible to
> set up the jobs and build project docs in multiple languages. We're already
> doing this for some other sphinx-based docs, so we would have a pattern to
> work from.
> I had hoped that if we had time after the import was done, we could develop
> a plan for end-of-cycle-testing. That didn't happen, so we will have to come
> up with a plan and execute it during Queens. No one thinks this is a good
> outcome, but it's where we are. If you're interested in helping with that
> work, I expect it will be a big part of what the docs team discusses at the 
> PTG.
> Spoiler alert: I will be advocating distributing the responsibility for 
> verifying
> instructions to the project teams.
> Doug
> PS - By the way, most projects are finished with the migration, but I see on
> the dashboard[1] that we still have quite a few open reviews and a few
> missing pages. At this point, the missing docs will need to be backported to
> the stable/pike branches for those projects.
> Let me know if you need help approving things in the stable branches.
> [1] https://doughellmann.com/doc-migration/
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