Hi James,
    Thanks for the reply. This definitely cleared some thing up for me.
I would love to get started on this charm soon, and will be sure to drop in
weekly meeting or ask questions on IRC.


On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 1:56 PM, James Page <james.p...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hi Aakash
> On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 at 05:09 Aakash Kt <aakash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>     Resending this mail since I think there might have been some error
>> sending it the last time.
>>    I am looking to develop an openstack bundle which uses OVN as the SDN.
>> I have been reading : https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide/latest/
>> I have also read : https://docs.openstack.org/
>> networking-ovn/latest/install/index.html
> Awesome; we chatted about this on IRC a few times but put off any concrete
> work until OVN 2.8.0 is released (soon).
> As far as I understand, this will require me to replace the
>> "neutron-openvswitch" charm in the openstack base bundle. However, I am not
>> able to exactly understand what all I will have to rewrite / replace to
>> make this work.
> I think the new charm work is actually three charms (or maybe two) -
> neutron-ovn (replacing neutron-openvswitch alongside nova-compute
> deployments), neutron-api-ovn (providing the API only integration of the
> Neutron API to OVN), and probably an ovn charm for deployment of OVN
> itself, with relations <neutron-api-ovn> <-> <ovn> <-> <neutron-ovn> for
> propagation of configuration in deployments.  The ODL charm set is similar
> is high level design (neutron-api-odl, odl-controller, openvswitch-odl).
>> Specifically, I need to make neutron work only as an API instead of the
>> full blown SDN. Also, in the above doc, its mentioned that we have to run
>> some setup on "controller nodes". How does the term "controller node" map
>> to the charm?
> Controller nodes are one option for the charms, however components of the
> controller nodes are deployed inside LXD containers to provide separation
> between services.  For example, you can dedicated three physical servers
> and then deploy the nova-cloud-controller, neutron-api, glance, keystone,
> cinder, ceilometer, heat etc.. charms in LXD containers onto those physical
> machines.  So in the case of OVN, we'd look to deploy the ovn charm on
> these same physical servers.
> Hope that helps explain things a bit; if you want to drop into
> #openstack-charms to ask more questions please do, or you can join one of
> our weekly meetings and we can discuss further.  We'd normally start a
> piece of work like this with a spec (http://specs.openstack.org/
> openstack/charm-specs/); this topic is something we could discuss in a
> bit more detail at the PTG in Denver (I'll add an item to the agenda for
> the charms room).
> Cheers
> James
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