On 09/05/2017 08:44 AM, gordon chung wrote:
On 04/09/17 11:17 AM, Mikhail Kebich wrote:
Hello Gordon,

Any feedback? Did you get a chance to take a look at the cursor api prototype?


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Mikhail Kebich
<mikhail.keb...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 4:22 PM, gordon chung <g...@live.ca> wrote:
ah, i see. iirc, we can choose what we sort on. can this be solved by
just passing in a different sort key? or maybe we need to support
returning results without sort.

I thought about this. The key issue I see here is that the api does
not include "id" sort key to the result. Because of this api clients
can't specify a value of marker that points to the next batch of
events. And I believe we should think carefully about exposing this
filed because it may be meaningless depending on a storage back-end.

Actually, cursors are intended to solve this issue by specifying a
value of marker explicitly without making an assumption what marker

I attached a prototype. It is based on stable/ocata branch. I did not
replace existing pagination and just provided another URL route to use
cursors. But, I think it is possible to replace current pagination
logic with cursors, because if a storage back-end understands markers
it can specify the value explicitly.

sorry, i thought you were going to post your patch to gerrit.

i just took a look at your patch. you can correct me if i misunderstand
your patch but it just seems that you want to add support to use id as a
marker, specifically the following:

+            marker = models.Event(None, None, None, None)
+            marker.id = cursor
+            sort_keys = ['id']
+            sort_dirs = ['asc']
+            query = oslo_sql_utils.paginate_query(
+                query, models.Event, limit, sort_keys,
+                sort_dirs=sort_dirs, marker=marker)

the one concern i have with raising id is because its just an
autoincremented number (i believe) and it has no meaning outside of the
db. i also don't believe it exists in any of the other backends.


based on the code above, i would imagine the equivalent could be
achieved by just sorting by id and continuing to use message_id as a
marker. (sorting by id might not be necessary but sql apparently doesn't
guarantee default order)

Why not sort by created date/timestamp? Wouldn't that give you the same behaviour (for the most part).


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