I should have read this thread before starting a new one [0]. The query
bits sound somewhat similar to what I experienced with a script to
generate a burndown chart, but querying a topic instead.


On 09/19/2017 06:35 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
> On 09/19/2017 09:00 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
>> I've been iterating through gerrit dashboards this morning trying to
>> figure out why they no longer show any changes.
>> It looks like the query: label:Code-Review>=-2,self now matches changes
>> you haven't voted on. Previously (probably to a bug) this only matched
>> patches where you had a -2,-1,+1,+2 vote on them.
>> I'll be poking around today to figure out what the options are to get
>> equivalent functionality is out of the system, then update the gerrit
>> dashboards in gerrit-dash-creator based on that.
> It appears that reviewedby:self actually works like we were hacking the
> old one to work. I've pushed through a bulk fix for most of the
> dashboards here - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/505247/
> However local versions will need local patching.
>       -Sean

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