Hi, all,

I encounter some problems when using Octavia. After installing octavia with
devstack, I create a load balancer named lb1 (VIP:, IP of VRRP
port: for a subnet (, then a listener, a pool, and
two members. All the resources are created successfully. The two members
(VMs) reside in the same subnet, whose IP are and,
respectively. To simulate a web server in each VM, I run "while true; do
echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nWelcome to $VM_IP" | sudo nc -l -p 80;done"
to listen on port 80 and return the VM's IP if the request is accepted. I
run "sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-XXXX curl -v $VM_IP" to send requests to VMs,
the "web servers" in VMs work (already added corresponding security rules
to the VMs). Then I tried to run "sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-XXXX curl -v
$VIP" to send requests, the VMs do not respond, and finally returns a
timeout error.

The configuration details in local.conf are as follows.





*# Neutron LBaaS*
*enable_plugin neutron-lbaas https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas.git
*enable_plugin octavia https://github.com/openstack/octavia.git

*disable_service horizon*
*disable_service tempest*

To investigate the source of the error, I logon to the amphora. The details
of interfaces of amphora_haproxy network namespace are as follows.

*1: lo: <LOOPBACK> mtu 65536 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1*
*    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00*
*3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP group default qlen 1000*
*    link/ether fa:16:3e:42:bf:d9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff*
*    inet <> brd scope global eth1*
*       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever*
*    inet <> brd scope global
secondary eth1:0*
*       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever*
*    inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe42:bfd9/64 scope link*
*       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever*

So I run "sudo ip netns exec amphora-haproxy tcpdump -i eth1 -nn 'tcp'" to
check whether amphora receive the request. The details are as follows.

*tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode*
*listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes*
*^C06:11:49.048973 IP > Flags [S], seq
1717936594, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 28032309 ecr
0,nop,wscale 7], length 0*
*06:11:50.031976 IP > Flags [S], seq
1717936594, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 28032559 ecr
0,nop,wscale 7], length 0*
*06:11:52.026565 IP > Flags [S], seq
1717936594, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 28033060 ecr
0,nop,wscale 7], length 0*
*06:11:56.002577 IP > Flags [S], seq
1717936594, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 28034062 ecr
0,nop,wscale 7], length 0*
*06:12:03.909721 IP > Flags [S], seq
1717936594, win 28200, options [mss 1410,sackOK,TS val 28036064 ecr
0,nop,wscale 7], length 0*

Based on the trace, we can see that amphora do receive the request, but
haproxy does not send handshake datagram to respond. Then, to see whether
haproxy in the amphora listens on the right IP and port, I print
/var/lib/octavia/ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57/haproxy.cfg in the
console and see the following info.

*# Configuration for lb1*
*    daemon*
*    user nobody*
*    log /dev/log local0*
*    log /dev/log local1 notice*
*    stats socket
/var/lib/octavia/ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57.sock mode 0666 level

*    log global*
*    retries 3*
*    option redispatch*
*    timeout connect 5000*
*    timeout client 50000*
*    timeout server 50000*

*frontend ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57*
*    option httplog*
*    bind <>*
*    mode http*
*    default_backend 40537c80-979d-49c9-b3ae-8504812c0f42*

*backend 40537c80-979d-49c9-b3ae-8504812c0f42*
*    mode http*
*    balance roundrobin*
*    server 73dc9a1d-1e92-479b-a6f3-8debd0ea17b8
<> weight 1*
*    server 4cdca33f-9cde-4ac2-a5bd-550d3e65f0f2
<> weight 1*

Next, I print the info of all the running haproxy process in the console
and copy it below.

*root      2367  0.0  0.0   4228   740 ?        Ss   07:14   0:00
/usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p
*haproxy   2370  0.0  0.5  37692  5340 ?        S    07:14   0:00
/usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/haproxy.pid -Ds*
*haproxy   2371  0.0  0.0  37692   924 ?        Ss   07:14   0:00
/usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -p /run/haproxy.pid -Ds*
*root      2471  0.0  0.0   4228   636 ?        Ss   07:14   0:00
/usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f
/var/lib/octavia/ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57/haproxy.cfg -f
/var/lib/octavia/haproxy-default-user-group.conf -p
-L A2GNEZ_IsG5HmdyY2LmdG3LSOco*
*nobody    2477  0.0  0.5  37676  5824 ?        S    07:14   0:00
/usr/sbin/haproxy -f
/var/lib/octavia/ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57/haproxy.cfg -f
/var/lib/octavia/haproxy-default-user-group.conf -p
-L A2GNEZ_IsG5HmdyY2LmdG3LSOco -Ds*
*nobody    2478  0.1  0.3  37676  3140 ?        Ss   07:14   0:01
/usr/sbin/haproxy -f
/var/lib/octavia/ec5ee7c5-7474-424f-9f44-71b338cf3e57/haproxy.cfg -f
/var/lib/octavia/haproxy-default-user-group.conf -p
-L A2GNEZ_IsG5HmdyY2LmdG3LSOco -Ds*
*ubuntu    2485  0.0  0.1  12916  1092 pts/0    S+   07:36   0:00 grep
--color=auto haproxy*

I run strace to trace the activities of all the above processes. When
sending request to the VIP, none of the above processes takes action to
receive the datagram. The details are omitted, since they give little

Above all, I think the haproxy fail to receive the ingress traffic from the
IP and port it listens on.

What do you think? Look forward to your valuable comments. Thank you.

Best regards,
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