On 9 December 2013 23:56, Jaromir Coufal <jcou...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 2013/07/12 01:59, Robert Collins wrote:
>    * Creation
>       * Manual registration
>          * hardware specs from Ironic based on mac address (M)
> Ironic today will want IPMI address + MAC for each NIC + disk/cpu/memory
> stats
> For registration it is just Management MAC address which is needed right? Or
> does Ironic need also IP? I think that MAC address might be enough, we can
> display IP in details of node later on.

Ironic needs all the details I listed today. Management MAC is not
currently used at all, but would be needed in future when we tackle
IPMI IP managed by Neutron.

 >       * Auto-discovery during undercloud install process (M)
>    * Monitoring
>        * assignment, availability, status
>        * capacity, historical statistics (M)
> Why is this under 'nodes'? I challenge the idea that it should be
> there. We will need to surface some stuff about nodes, but the
> underlying idea is to take a cloud approach here - so we're monitoring
> services, that happen to be on nodes. There is room to monitor nodes,
> as an undercloud feature set, but lets be very very specific about
> what is sitting at what layer.
> We need both - we need to track services but also state of nodes (CPU, RAM,
> Network bandwidth, etc). So in node detail you should be able to track both.

Those are instance characteristics, not node characteristics. An
instance is software running on a Node, and the amount of CPU/RAM/NIC
utilisation is specific to that software while it's on that Node, not
to future or past instances running on that Node.

>        * created as part of undercloud install process
>        * can create additional management nodes (F)
>     * Resource nodes
>                         ^ nodes is again confusing layers - nodes are
> what things are deployed to, but they aren't the entry point
> Can you, please be a bit more specific here? I don't understand this note.

By the way, can you get your email client to insert > before the text
you are replying to rather than HTML | marks? Hard to tell what I
wrote and what you did :).

By that note I meant, that Nodes are not resources, Resource instances
run on Nodes. Nodes are the generic pool of hardware we can deploy
things onto.

>         * searchable by status, name, cpu, memory, and all attributes from
> ironic
>         * can be allocated as one of four node types
> Not by users though. We need to stop thinking of this as 'what we do
> to nodes' - Nova/Ironic operate on nodes, we operate on Heat
> templates.
> Discussed in other threads, but I still believe (and I am not alone) that we
> need to allow 'force nodes'.

I'll respond in the other thread :).

>     * Unallocated nodes
> This implies an 'allocation' step, that we don't have - how about
> 'Idle nodes' or something.
> It can be auto-allocation. I don't see problem with 'unallocated' term.

Ok, it's not a biggy. I do think it will frame things poorly and lead
to an expectation about how TripleO works that doesn't match how it
does, but we can change it later if I'm right, and if I'm wrong, well
it won't be the first time :).


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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