Welcome to our regular release countdown email.

Development Focus

Team focus should be on spec approval and implementation for priority features.

General Information

Just one more mention - teams should review their release liaison information
and make sure it is up to date [1]. We would love to have all the liaisons
attend the release team meeting every Friday [2].

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons
[2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Release_Team_Meeting

We are already two weeks out from the Q-1 milestone. Please be aware of project
specific deadlines leading up to this milestone.

As mentioned, Newton EOL is coming up the week before Q-1. To wrap things up
for that, any final Newton library releases should be done this week to give a
small window before any final Newton service releases.

Upcoming Deadlines & Dates

Queens-1 milestone: October 19 (R-19 week)
Forum at OpenStack Summit in Sydney: November 6-8
Last Newton Library releases September 25-29 (R-22)
Newton Branch EOL October 11th (R-20 week)

Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)

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