On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 08:34:04AM +1300, Robert Collins wrote:
> On 10 December 2013 00:31, Steven Hardy <sha...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > So I've been getting concerned about $subject recently, and based on some
> > recent discussions so have some other heat-core folks, so I wanted to start
> > a discussion where we can agree and communicate our expectations related to
> > nomination for heat-core membership (becuase we do need more core
> > reviewers):
> Great! (Because I think you do too :).
> > The issues I have are:
> > - Russell's stats (while very useful) are being used by some projects as
> >   the principal metric related to -core membership (ref TripleO's monthly
> >   cull/name&shame, which I am opposed to btw).  This is in some cases
> >   encouraging some stats-seeking in our review process, IMO.
> With all due respect - you are entirely wrong, and I am now worried
> about the clarity of my emails vis-a-vis review team makeup. I presume
> you've read them in detail before referencing them of course - have
> you? What can I do to make the actual process clearer?
> IMO the primary metric for inclusion is being perceived by a bunch of
> existing -cores as being substantial contributors of effective, useful
> reviews. The reviewstats stats are a useful aide de memoir, nothing
> more. Yes, if you don't do enough reviews for an extended period -
> several months - then you're likely to no longer be perceived as being
> a substantial contributor of effective, useful reviews - and no longer
> aware enough of the current codebase and design to just step back into
> -core shoes.
> So it's a gross mischaracterisation to imply that a democratic process
> aided by some [crude] stats has been reduced to name & shame, and a
> rather offensive one.

Yes I have read your monthly core reviewer update emails[1] and I humbly
apologize if you feel my characterization of your process is offensive, it
certainly wasn't intended to be.

All I was trying to articulate is that your message *is* heavily reliant on
stats, you quote them repeatedly, and from my perspective the repeated
references to volume of reviews, along with so frequently naming those to
be removed from core, *could* encourage the wrong behavior.

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-December/021101.html

> Anyone can propose members for inclusion in TripleO-core, and we all
> vote - likewise removal. The fact I do a regular summary and propose
> some folk and some cleanups is my way of ensuring that we don't get
> complacent - that we recognise folk who are stepping up, and give them
> guidance if they aren't stepping up in an effective manner - or if
> they are no longer being effective enough to be recognised - in my
> opinion. If the rest of the TripleO core team agrees with my opinion,
> we get changes to -core, if not, we don't. If someone else wants to
> propose a -core member, they are welcome to! Hopefully with my taking
> point on this, that effort isn't needed - but it's still possible.
> > - Review quality can't be measured mechanically - we have some folks who
> >   contribute fewer, but very high quality reviews, and are also very active
> >   contributors (so knowledge of the codebase is not stale).  I'd like to
> >   see these people do more reviews, but removing people from core just
> >   because they drop below some arbitrary threshold makes no sense to me.
> In principle, review quality *can* be measured mechanically, but the
> stats we have do not do that - and cannot. We'd need mechanical follow
> through to root cause analysis for reported defects (including both
> crashes and softer defects like 'not as fast as I want' or 'feature X
> is taking too long to develop') and impact on review and contribution
> rates to be able to assess the impact of a reviewer over time - what
> bugs they prevented entering the code base, how their reviews kept the
> code base maintainable and flexible, and how their interactions with
> patch submitters helped grow the community. NONE of the stats we have
> today even vaguely approximate that.

Right, so right now, review quality can't be measured mechanically, and the
chances that we'll be able to in any meaningful way anytime in future is
very small.

> > So if you're aiming for heat-core nomination, here's my personal wish-list,
> > but hopefully others can proide their input and we can update the wiki with
> > the resulting requirements/guidelines:
> I'm not aiming for heat-core, so this is just kibbitzing- take it for
> what it's worth:
> > - Make your reviews high-quality.  Focus on spotting logical errors,
> >   reducing duplication, consistency with existing interfaces, opportunities
> >   for reuse/simplification etc.  If every review you do is +1, or -1 for a
> >   trivial/cosmetic issue, you are not making a strong case for -core IMHO.
> There is a tension here. I agree that many trivial/cosmetic issues are
> not a big deal in themselves. But in aggregate I would argue that a
> codebase with lots of tpyos, poor idioms, overly large classes and
> other shallow-at-the-start issues is one that will become
> progressively harder to contribute to.

Sure, of course, and I'm not advocating ignoring these things, merely
stating that we value insightful reviews which demonstrate attention to
detail and deep understanding of the codebase, despite the relentless
references to volume whenever the topic of -core is discussed.

> > - Send patches.  Some folks argue that -core membership is only about
> >   reviews, I disagree - There are many aspects of reviews which require
> >   deep knowledge of the code, e.g spotting structural issues, logical
> >   errors caused by interaction with code not modified by the patch,
> >   effective use of test infrastructure, etc etc.  This deep knowledge comes
> >   from writing code, not only reviewing it.  This also gives us a way to
> >   verify your understanding and alignment with our sylistic conventions.
> I think seeing patches from people is a great way to see whether they
> are able to write code that fits with the codebase. I'm not sure it's
> a good indicator that folk will be effective, positive reviewers.
> Personally, I would look over an extended time - say three months - to
> see whether someone *is* noticing structural issues - when reviewing
> their reviews. If they aren't, their contributions may still be
> valuable, but I wouldn't really want to see two such deep-issue-blind
> folk +2 a patch. OTOH if someone is deep-issue-blind, and knows they
> are; they may be useful for taking load off of

I think we're basically agreeing here - writing code is a great way of
seeing whether people can write code that fits in with the existing
codebase, and it proves that they have some non-superficial knowledge of
the tree.  Then reviewing their reviews tells us that they can also review.

> > - Fix bugs.  Related to the above, help us fix real problems by testing,
> >   reporting bugs, and fixing them, or take an existing bug and post a patch
> >   fixing it.  Ask an existing team member to direct you if you're not sure
> >   which bug to tackle.  Sending patches doing trivial cosmetic cleanups is
> >   sometimes worthwhile, but make sure that's not all you do, as we need
> >   -core folk who can find, report, fix and review real user-impacting
> >   problems (not just new features).  This is also a great way to build
> >   trust and knowledge if you're aiming to contribute features to Heat.
> I think you have a very different definition of -core to the rest of
> OpenStack. I was actually somewhat concerned about the '+2 Guard the
> gate stuff' at the summit because it's so easily misinterpreted - and
> there is a meme going around (I don't know if it's true or not) that
> some people are assessed - performance review stuff within vendor
> organisations - on becoming core reviewers.
> Core reviewer is not intended to be a gateway to getting features or
> ideas into OpenStack projects. It is solely a volunteered contribution
> to the project: helping the project accept patches with confidence
> about their long term integrity: providing explanation and guidance to
> people that want to contribute patches so that their patch can be
> accepted.

We need core reviewers who:
1. Have deep knowledge of the codebase (to identify non-cosmetic structural
2. Have used and debugged the codebase (to identify usability, interface
correctness or other stuff which isn't obvious unless you're using the
3. Have demonstrated a commitment to the project (so we know they
understand the mid-term goals and won't approve stuff which is misaligned
with those goals)

All of those are aided and demonstrated by helping out doing a few
bugfixes, along with reviews.

> I'm not sure if you were intending it, but your paragraph - as I read
> it - implies that patches from core reviewers would be preferentially
> treated and reviewed. If so I think this is a very bad thing as it
> will build a clique and put pressure on folk to become -core just to
> get code landed fast. Which may lead to *exactly* the sort of
> behaviour you are concerned about.

Defintely not!!  I think all reviews should be treated equally, and I very
much want our community to continue to be one based on openness, trust and

> The only reason code from a -core reviewer should land faster than
> anyone else is because they already self reviewed and fixed everything
> that reviewers look for. In all other regards their work should be
> treated equally.

Exactly.  Hey, if folks fixed a few bugs, got practical experience of the
codebase and learned some of the stylistic and structural conventions
before trying to land $large_feature, that would help reduce the review
iterations too, no? ;)

Look, I haven't made it clear already, I think everyone doing Heat reviews
is doing a great job.

All I wanted to do was give folks a heads-up that IMHO the stats aren't the
be-all-and-end-all, and here are a few things which you might want to
consider doing, if you want to become a core reviewer in due course.


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