Hi Sahid, comments inline. :)

On 09/29/2017 04:53 AM, Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui wrote:
On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 05:06:16PM -0400, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 09/28/2017 11:37 AM, Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui wrote:
Please consider the support of MDEV for the /pci framework which
provides support for vGPUs [0].

Accordingly to the discussion [1]

With this first implementation which could be used as a skeleton for
implementing PCI Devices in Resource Tracker

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to above as "implementing PCI
devices in Resource Tracker". Could you elaborate? The resource tracker
already embeds a PciManager object that manages PCI devices, as you know.
Perhaps you meant "implement PCI devices as Resource Providers"?

A PciManager? I know that we have a field PCI_DEVICE :) - I guess a
virt driver can return inventory with total of PCI devices. Talking
about manager, not sure.

I'm referring to this:


The PciDevTracker class is instantiated in the resource tracker when the first ComputeNode object managed by the resource tracker is init'd:


On initialization, the PciDevTracker inventories the compute node's collection of PCI devices by grabbing a list of records from the pci_devices table in the cell database:


and then comparing those DB records with information the hypervisor returns about PCI devices:


Each hypervisor returns something different for the list of pci devices, as you know. For libvirt, the call that returns PCI device information is here:


The results of that are jammed into a "pci_passthrough_devices" key in the returned result of the virt driver's get_available_resource() call. For libvirt, that's here:


It is that piece that Eric and myself have been talking about standardizing into a "generic device management" interface that would have an update_inventory() method that accepts a ProviderTree object [1]

[1] https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/compute/provider_tree.py

and would add resource providers corresponding to devices that are made available to guests for use.

You still have to define "traits", basically for physical network
devices, the users want to select device according physical network,
to select device according the placement on host (NUMA), to select the
device according the bandwidth capability... For GPU it's same
story. *And I do not have mentioned devices which support virtual

Yes, the generic device manager would be responsible for associating traits to the resource providers it adds to the ProviderTree provided to it in the update_inventory() call.

So that is what you plan to do for this release :) - Reasonably I
don't think we are close to have something ready for production.

I don't disagree with you that this is a huge amount of refactoring to undertake over the next couple releases. :)

Jay, I have question, Why you don't start by exposing NUMA ?

I believe you're asking here why we don't start by modeling NUMA nodes as child resource providers of the compute node? Instead of starting by modeling PCI devices as child providers of the compute node? If that's not what you're asking, please do clarify...

We're starting with modeling PCI devices as child providers of the compute node because they are easier to deal with as a whole than NUMA nodes and we have the potential of being able to remove the PciPassthroughFilter from the scheduler in Queens.

I don't see us being able to remove the NUMATopologyFilter from the scheduler in Queens because of the complexity involved in how coupled the NUMA topology resource handling is to CPU pinning, huge page support, and IO emulation thread pinning.

Hope that answers that question; again, lemme know if that's not the question you were asking! :)

For the record, I have zero confidence in any existing "functional" tests
for NUMA, SR-IOV, CPU pinning, huge pages, and the like. Unfortunately, due
to the fact that these features often require hardware that either the
upstream community CI lacks or that depends on libraries, drivers and kernel
versions that really aren't available to non-bleeding edge users (or users
with very deep pockets).

It's good point, if you are not confidence, don't you think it's
premature to move forward on implementing new thing without to have
well trusted functional tests?

Completely agree with you. I would rather see functional integration tests that are proven to actually test these complex hardware devices *gating* Nova patches before adding any new functionality to Nova.

We're adding lots of functional tests of the placement and resource providers modeling. I could definitely use some assistance from folks with access to this specialized hardware to set up and maintain the CI systems that can provide they are actually exercising these code paths.

* The Usage

There are no difference between SR-IOV and MDEV, from operators point
of view who knows how to expose SR-IOV devices in Nova, they already
know how to expose MDEV devices (vGPUs).

Operators will be able to expose MDEV devices in the same manner as
they expose SR-IOV:

   1/ Configure whitelist devices


   2/ Create aliases

   [{"vendor_id":"10de", "name":"vGPU"}]

   3/ Configure the flavor

   openstack flavor set --property "pci_passthrough:alias"="vGPU:1"

* Limitations

The mdev does not provide 'product_id' but 'mdev_type' which should be
considered to exactly identify which resource users can request e.g:
nvidia-10. To provide that support we have to add a new field
'mdev_type' so aliases could be something like:

   {"vendor_id":"10de", mdev_type="nvidia-10" "name":"alias-nvidia-10"}
   {"vendor_id":"10de", mdev_type="nvidia-11" "name":"alias-nvidia-11"}

I do have plan to add but first I need to have support from upstream
to continue that work.

As mentioned in IRC and the previous ML discussion, my focus is on the
nested resource providers work and reviews, along with the other two
top-priority scheduler items (move operations and alternate hosts).

I'll do my best to look at your patch series, but please note it's lower
priority than a number of other items.

No worries, the code is here, tested, fully functionnal and
production-ready, I made effort to make it available at the very
beginning of the release. With some good volitions we could fix any
bugs and have support for vGPUs in Queens.

You cannot say it's tested, fully functional and production-ready until we see functional integration tests proving that :)

One thing that would be very useful, Sahid, if you could get with Eric Fried
(efried) on IRC and discuss with him the "generic device management" system
that was discussed at the PTG. It's likely that the /pci module is going to
be overhauled in Rocky and it would be good to have the mdev device
management API requirements included in that discussion.

Perhaps you missed the above part of my response. I'd like to repeat that it would be great to get your input on the generic device management ideas we've been throwing around.

All the best,

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