On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/25/2017 12:55 PM, Mathieu Gagné wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Loo, Ruby <ruby....@intel.com> wrote:
>>> Hello ironic'ers,
>>> A while ago, we approved a spec to add node tag support to ironic [1].
>>> The
>>> feature itself did not land yet (although some of the code has). Now that
>>> the (nova) community has come up with traits, ironic wants to support
>>> node
>>> traits, and there is a spec proposing that [2]. At the ironic node level,
>>> this is VERY similar to the node tag support, so the thought is to drop
>>> (not
>>> implement) the node tagging feature, since the node traits feature could
>>> be
>>> used instead. There are a few differences between the tags and traits.
>>> "Traits" means something in OpenStack, and there are some restrictions
>>> about
>>> it:
>>> - max 50 per node
>>> - names must be one of those in os-traits library OR prefixed with
>>> 'CUSTOM_'
>>> For folks that wanted the node tagging feature, will this new node traits
>>> feature work for your use case? Should we support both tags and traits? I
>>> was wondering about e.g. using ironic standalone.
>>> Please feel free to comment in [2].
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> --ruby
>>> [1]
>>> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/specs/appr
>>> oved/nodes-tagging.html
>>> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/504531/
>> Are tags/traits serving a different purpose? One serves the purpose of
>> helping the scheduling/placement while the other is more or less aims
>> at grouping for the "end users"?
>> I understand that the code will be *very* similar but who/what will be
>> the consumers/users?
>> I fell they won't be the same and could artificially limit its use due
>> to technical/design "limitations". (must be in os-traits or be
>> prefixed by CUSTOM)
>> For example which I personally foresee:
>> * I might want to populate Ironic inventory from an external system
>> which would also injects the appropriate traits.
>> * I might also want some technical people to use/query Ironic and
>> allow them to tag nodes based on their own needs while not messing
>> with the traits part (as it's managed by an external system and will
>> influence the scheduling later)
>> Lets not assume traits/tags have the same purpose and same user.
> I agree with Matthieu 100% here.
> Traits are structured, formalized, and set by the system or the operator
> against resource providers.
> Tags are for end-users to, well, tag their instances with whatever strings
> they want.
> Best,
> -jay

I'd also vote for having them separate. We can refactor the common bits of
code instead.


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