Hi all,

The recording of the call is https://bluejeans.com/s/K3wZZ

On 10/30/2017 03:32 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:
It seems that the new time works for the most of key people, so let's move it to tomorrow (Tue), the same time, the same bluejeans.

Apologies to those who won't be able to attend, and sorry for the late notice.

On 10/30/2017 03:13 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
I'd prefer to have you on the call, Dima. How about we push it back to tomorrow at the same time?

Can everyone make it then?


On 10/30/2017 10:11 AM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:
Aaaand sorry again, but due to sudden errands I won't be able to attend. Please feel free to use my bluejeans room anyway. I think my position on traits is more or less clear from previous discussions with John, Sam and Eric.

2017-10-24 18:07 GMT+02:00 Dmitry Tantsur <dtant...@redhat.com <mailto:dtant...@redhat.com>>:

    Sigh, sorry. I forgot that we're moving back to winter time this
    weekend. I *think* the time is 3pm UTC then. It seems to be 11am
    eastern US:
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20171030T150000&p1=37&p2=tz_et <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20171030T150000&p1=37&p2=tz_et>.

    On 10/24/2017 06:00 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

        And the winner is Mon, 30 Oct, 2pm UTC!

        The bluejeans ID is https://bluejeans.com/757528759
        (works without plugins in recent FF and Chrome; if it asks to
        install an app, ignore it and look for a link saying "join with

        On 10/23/2017 05:02 PM, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

            Hi all!

            I'd like to invite you to the discussion of the way to
            implement traits in
            ironic and the ironic virt driver. Please vote for the time at
            <https://doodle.com/poll/ts43k98kkvniv8uz>. Please vote by
            EOD tomorrow.

            Note that it's going to be a technical discussion - please
            make sure you
            understand what traits are and why ironic cares about them.
            See below for more

            We'll probably use my bluejeans account, as it works without
            plugins in modern
            browsers. I'll post a meeting ID when we pick the date.

            On 10/23/2017 04:09 PM, Eric Fried wrote:

                We discussed this a little bit further in IRC [1].                 We're all in
                agreement, but it's worth being precise on a couple of

                * We're distinguishing between a "feature" and the
                "trait" that
                represents it in placement.  For the sake of this
                discussion, a
                "feature" can (maybe) be switched on or off, but a
                "trait" can either be
                present or absent on a RP.
                * It matters *who* can turn a feature on/off.
                     * If it can be done by virt at spawn time, then it
                makes sense to have
                the trait on the RP, and you can switch the feature
                on/off via a
                separate extra_spec.
                     * But if it's e.g. an admin action, and spawn has
                no control, then the
                trait needs to be *added* whenever the feature is *on*,
                and *removed*
                whenever the feature is *off*.

http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-nova/%23openstack-nova.2017-10-23.log.html#t2017-10-23T13:12:13 <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-nova/%23openstack-nova.2017-10-23.log.html#t2017-10-23T13:12:13>

                On 10/23/2017 08:15 AM, Sylvain Bauza wrote:

                    On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Eric Fried
                    <mailto:openst...@fried.cc>>> wrote:

                           I agree with Sean.  In general terms:

                           * A resource provider should be marked with a
                    trait if that feature
                             * Can be turned on or off (whether it's
                    currently on or not); or
                             * Is always on and can't ever be turned off.

                    No, traits are not boolean. If a resource provider
                    stops providing a
                    capability, then the existing related trait should
                    just be removed,
                    that's it.
                    If you see a trait, that's just means that the
                    related capability for
                    the Resource Provider is supported, that's it too.



                           * A consumer wanting that feature present
                    (doesn't matter whether it's
                           on or off) should specify it as a required
                           * A consumer wanting that feature present and
                    turned on should
                             * Specify it as a required trait; AND
                             * Indicate that it be turned on via some
                    other mechanism (e.g. a
                           separate extra_spec).

                           I believe this satisfies Dmitry's (Ironic's)
                    needs, but also Jay's drive
                           for placement purity.

                           Please invite me to the hangout or whatever.


                           On 10/23/2017 07:22 AM, Mooney, Sean K wrote:
                           > *From:*Jay Pipes [mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com
                           > *Sent:* Monday, October 23, 2017 12:20 PM
                           > *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List
                           > *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic]
                    ironic and traits
                           > Writing from my phone... May I ask that
                    before you proceed with any plan
                           > that uses traits for state information that
                    we have a hangout or
                           > videoconference to discuss this?
                    Unfortunately today and tomorrow I'm
                           > not able to do a hangout but I can do one
                    on Wednesday any time of the day.
                           > */[Mooney, Sean K] on the uefi boot topic I
                    did bring up at the
                           ptg that
                           > we wanted to standardizes tratis for
                    “verified boot” /*
                           > */that included a trait for uefi secure
                    boot enabled and to
                           indicated a
                           > hardware root of trust, e.g. intel boot
                    guard or similar/*
                           > */we distinctly wanted to be able to tag
                    nova compute hosts with those
                           > new traits so we could require that vms
                    that request/*
                           > */a host with uefi secure boot enabled and
                    a hardware root of
                           trust are
                           > scheduled only to those nodes. /*
                           > */ /*
                           > */There are many other examples that effect
                    both vms and bare
                           metal such
                           > as, ecc/interleaved memory, cluster on die, /*
                           > */l3 cache code and data prioritization,
                    vt-d/vt-c, HPET, Hyper
                           > threading, power states … all of these
                    feature may be present on the
                           > platform/*
                           > */but I also need to know if they are
                    turned on. Ruling out state in
                           > traits means all of this logic will
                    eventually get pushed to scheduler
                           > filters/*
                           > */which will be suboptimal long term as
                    more state is tracked.
                           > defined infrastructure may be the future
                    but hardware defined
                           > */is sadly the present…/*
                           > */ /*
                           > */I do however think there should be a
                    sperateion between asking for a
                           > host that provides x with a trait and                     asking for x to be
                           configure via/*
                           > */A trait. The trait secure_boot_enabled
                    should never result in the
                           > feature being enabled It should just find a
                    host with it on. If
                           you want/*
                           > */To request it to be turned on you would
                    request a host with
                           > secure_boot_capable as a trait and have a
                    flavor extra spec or image
                           > property to request/*
                           > */Ironic to enabled it.  these are two very
                    different request and
                           > not be treated the same. /*
                           > Lemme know!
                           > -jay
                           > On Oct 23, 2017 5:01 AM, "Dmitry Tantsur"
                    <dtant...@redhat.com <mailto:dtant...@redhat.com>
                           > <mailto:dtant...@redhat.com
                    <mailto:dtant...@redhat.com>>>> wrote:
                           >     Hi Jay!
                           >     I appreciate your comments, but I think
                    you're approaching the
                           >     problem from purely VM point of view.
                    Things simply don't work the
                           >     same way in bare metal, at least not if
                    we want to provide the same
                           >     user experience.
                           >     On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 2:25 PM, Jay
                    Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com
                    <mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com <mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com>>
                           >     <mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com
                    <mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
                           >         Sorry for delay, took a week off
                    before starting a new job.
                           >         Comments inline.
                           >         On 10/16/2017 12:24 PM, Dmitry
                    Tantsur wrote:
                           >             Hi all,
                           >             I promised John to dump my
                    thoughts on traits to the
                           ML, so
                           >             here we go :)
                           >             I see two roles of traits (or
                    kinds of traits) for
                           bare metal:
                           >             1. traits that say what the
                    node can do already (e.g. "the
                           >             node is
                           >             doing UEFI boot")
                           >             2. traits that say what the
                    node can be *configured* to do
                           >             (e.g. "the node can
                           >             boot in UEFI mode")
                           >         There's only one role for traits.
                    #2 above. #1 is state
                           >         information. Traits are not for
                    state information. Traits are
                           >         only for communicating capabilities
                    of a resource provider
                           >         (baremetal node).
                           >     These are not different, that's what
                    I'm talking about here. No
                           >     users care about the difference between
                    "this node was put in UEFI
                           >     mode by an operator in advance", "this
                    node was put in UEFI
                           mode by
                           >     an ironic driver on demand" and "this
                    node is always in UEFI mode,
                           >     because it's AARCH64 and it does not
                    have BIOS". These situation
                           >     produce the same result (the node is
                    booted in UEFI mode), and
                           >     it's up to ironic to hide this difference.
                           >     My suggestion with traits is one way to
                    do it, I'm not sure
                           what you
                           >     suggest though.
                           >         For example, let's say we add the
                    following to the os-traits
                           >         library [1]
                           >         * STORAGE_RAID_0
                           >         * STORAGE_RAID_1
                           >         * STORAGE_RAID_5
                           >         * STORAGE_RAID_6
                           >         * STORAGE_RAID_10
                           >         The Ironic administrator would add
                    all RAID-related traits to
                           >         the baremetal nodes that had the
                    *capability* of
                           supporting that
                           >         particular RAID setup [2]
                           >         When provisioned, the baremetal
                    node would either have RAID
                           >         configured in a certain level or
                    not configured at all.
                           >         A very important note: the
                    Placement API and Nova
                           scheduler (or
                           >         future Ironic scheduler) doesn't
                    care about this. At all.
                           I know
                           >         it sounds like I'm being callous,
                    but I'm not. Placement and
                           >         scheduling doesn't care about the
                    state of things. It only
                           >         about the capabilities of target
                    destinations. That's it.
                           >     Yes, because VMs always start with a
                    clean state, and
                           hypervisor is
                           >     there to ensure that. We don't have
                    this luxury in ironic :) E.g.
                           >     our SNMP driver is not even aware of
                    boot modes (or RAID, or BIOS
                           >     configuration), which does not mean
                    that a node using it cannot be
                           >     in UEFI mode (have a RAID or BIOS
                    pre-configured, etc, etc).
                           >             This seems confusing, but it's
                    actually very useful.
                           Say, I
                           >             have a flavor that
                           >             requests UEFI boot via a trait.
                    It will match both the
                           >             that are already in
                           >             UEFI mode, as well as nodes
                    that can be put in UEFI mode.
                           >         No :) It will only match nodes that
                    have the UEFI capability.
                           >         The set of providers that have the
                    ability to be booted
                           via UEFI
                           >         is *always* a superset of the set
                    of providers that *have been
                           >         booted via UEFI*. Placement and
                    scheduling decisions only care
                           >         about that superset -- the
                    providers with a particular
                           >     Well, no, it will. Again, you're purely
                    basing on the VM idea,
                           >     a VM is always *put* in UEFI mode, no
                    matter how the hypervisor
                           >     looks like. It is simply not the case
                    for us. You have to care
                           >     state the node is, because many drivers
                    cannot change this state.
                           >             This idea goes further with
                    deploy templates (new concept
                           >             we've been thinking
                           >             about). A flavor can request
                    something like CUSTOM_RAID_5,
                           >             and it will match the
                           >             nodes that already have RAID 5,
                    or, more
                           interestingly, the
                           >             nodes on which we
                           >             can build RAID 5 before
                    deployment. The UEFI example above
                           >             can be treated in a
                           >             similar way.
                           >             This ends up with two sources
                    of knowledge about traits in
                           >             ironic:
                           >             1. Operators setting something
                    they know about hardware
                           >             ("this node is in UEFI
                           >             mode"),
                           >             2. Ironic drivers reporting
                    something they
                           >                2.1. know about hardware
                    ("this node is in UEFI mode" -
                           >             again)
                           >                2.2. can do about hardware
                    ("I can put this node in
                           >             mode")
                           >         You're correct that both pieces of
                    information are important.
                           >         However, only the "can do about
                    hardware" part is relevant to
                           >         Placement and Nova.
                           >             For case #1 we are planning on
                    a new CRUD API to set/unset
                           >             traits for a node.
                           >         I would *strongly* advise against
                    this. Traits are not for
                           >         information.
                           >         Instead, consider having a DB (or
                    JSON) schema that lists
                           >         information in fields that are
                    explicitly for that state
                           >         information.
                           >         For example, a schema that looks
                    like this:
                           >         {
                           >           "boot": {
                           >             "mode": <one of 'bios' or 'uefi'>,
                           >             "params": <dict>
                           >           },
                           >           "disk": {
                           >             "raid": {
                           >               "level": <int>,
                           >               "controller": <one of 'sw' or
                           >               "driver": <string>,
                           >               "params": <dict>
                           >             },  ...
                           >           },
                           >           "network": {
                           >             ...
                           >           }
                           >         }
                           >         etc, etc.
                           >         Don't use trait strings to
                    represent state information.
                           >     I don't see an alternative proposal
                    that will satisfy what we have
                           >     to solve.
                           >         Best,
                           >         -jay
                           >             Case #2 is more interesting. We
                    have two options, I think:
                           >             a) Operators still set traits
                    on nodes, drivers are simply
                           >             validating them. E.g.
                           >             an operators sets
                    CUSTOM_RAID_5, and the node's RAID
                           >             interface checks if it is
                           >             possible to do. The downside is
                    obvious - with a lot of
                           >             deploy templates
                           >             available it can be a lot of
                    manual work.
                           >             b) Drivers report the traits,
                    and they get somehow
                           added to
                           >             the traits provided
                           >             by an operator. Technically,
                    there are sub-cases again:
                           >                b.1) The new traits API
                    returns a union of
                           >             operator-provided and
                           >             driver-provided traits
                           >                b.2) The new traits API
                    returns only operator-provided
                           >             traits; driver-provided
                           >             traits are returned e.g. via a
                    new field
                           >             (node.driver_traits). Then nova
                           >             have to merge the lists itself.
                           >             My personal favorite is the
                    last option: I'd like a clear
                           >             distinction between
                           >             different "sources" of traits,
                    but I'd also like to reduce
                           >             manual work for
                           >             operators.
                           >             A valid counter-argument is:
                    what if an operator wants to
                           >             override a
                           >             driver-provided trait? E.g. a
                    node can do RAID 5, but I
                           >             don't want this
                           >             particular node to do it for
                    any reason. I'm not sure if
                           >             it's a valid case, and
                           >             what to do about it.
                           >             Let me know what you think.
                           >             Dmitry
                           >         [1]
                           >         [2] Based on how many attached
                    disks the node had, the
                           >         and abilities of a hardware RAID
                    controller, etc
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-- Dmitry Tantsur

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