On 10/12/13 15:10, Randall Burt wrote:
On Dec 10, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com>

On 10/12/13 12:46, Richard Lee wrote:
Hey all,

We're working on a blueprint
<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/preview-stack> that adds
the ability to preview what a given template+parameters would create in
terms of resources.  We think this would provide significant value for
blueprint authors and for other heat users that want to see what
someone's template would create before actually launching resources (and
possibly having to pay for them).

+1 for this use case.

BTW AWS supports something similar, which we never bothered to implement in the 
compatibility API. You might want to do some research on that as a starting 


However the fact that we have pluggable resource types would make it very 
difficult for us to do cost calculations inside Heat (and, in fact, 
CloudFormation doesn't do that either, it just spits out a URL for their 
separate calculator) - e.g. it's very hard to know which resources will create, 
say, a Nova server unless they are all annotated in some way.

Are you thinking the API will simply return a list of resource types and 
counts? e.g.:

   "OS::Nova::Server": 2,
   "OS::Cinder::Volume": 1,
   "OS::Neutron::FloatingIP: 1

If so, +1 for that implementation too. Don't forget that you will have to 
recurse through provider templates, which may not contain what they say on the 

That sounds more than reasonable to me. I don't think we could begin to do any sort of 
meaningful "cost" calculation without having to mostly punt to the service 
provider anyway.

Yeah, exactly.

Although it occurs to me that we may want more detail than I originally thought... e.g. knowing the flavor of any Nova servers is probably quite important. Any ideas?

The first thing that comes to mind is that we could annotate resource types with the list of parameters we want to group by. That would enable something like:

    [{config: {"flavor": m1.small}, count: 1},
     {config: {"flavor": m3.large}, count: 1}],
    [{config: {"size": 10}, count: 1}],
    [{config: {}, count: 1}],

- ZB

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