On 11 December 2013 09:43, David Kranz <dkr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> So it seems that the code in the submitted tempest tests can run in a
> regular job if devstack is configured to enable ironic, but that this cannot
> be the default. So I propose that we create a regular devstack+ironic job
> that will run in the ironic and tempest gates, and run just the ironic
> tests. When third-party bare-metal results can be reported for ironic,
> tempest can then accept tests that require bare-metal.  Does any one have a
> problem with this approach?

Whats the connection between accepting baremetal tests and third-party
testing? AIUI the criteria for acceptance is 'the thing is incubated
or integrated'.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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