On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Colleen Murphy <coll...@gazlene.net> wrote:
> In the "Making OpenStack More Palatable to Part-Time Contributors"
> Forum session in Sydney, one barrier to contribution that came up was
> keeping up with everything happening in OpenStack. The dev mailing
> list is a firehose and IRC can be just as daunting, especially for
> contributors in non-Americas timezones. The current time of the weekly
> team meeting basically excludes a third of the world from
> participating. I don't propose we stop having them, but it would be
> good to try to be a little more inclusive. Following the lead of some
> of the other folks in our community, I propose we consolidate the
> mailing list discussions, IRC meetings, and general discussions in a
> weekly update, just to share what we've been up to and what's
> important to know.

> I don't guarantee I'll get to this every week but I'll make an effort.
> Please feel free to provide feedback on what you think would be useful
> to see in a newsletter like this. If you want to help out, I created
> an etherpad - feel free to help fill in the sections or edit the
> template itself.
With a nice template (based on this email?) I'm sure other Keystone folk
can help out when you find yourself too busy for a given week.

> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-team-newsletter
> Without further ado, here's what's been going on this week from my 
> perspective:
> # Keystone Team Update - Week of 27 November 2017
> ## News
> Next week we'll use the meeting time to have a video conference to do
> a milestone retrospective for Queens-2:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-November/124997.html
> We abandoned some very old patches in gerrit. If we abandoned one that
> we shouldn't have, come talk to us:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-November/124910.html
> We used the last weekly keystone meeting to talk about open specs. In
> particular we talked about the Unified Limits spec and what the
> implications are for requiring a region ID in order to create a
> registered limit:
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2017/keystone.2017-11-28-18.00.log.txt
> In the weekly policy meeting we talked about using the next round of
> community goals to get projects using the new system scope, but
> decided that we'd like to have a couple of early adopters before
> proposing it community-wide and so we'll likely hold off on proposing
> it until the following cycle. We did decide that we could start a
> community-wide discussion on defining a set of default-roles by
> proposing a cross-project spec.
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/policy/2017/policy.2017-11-29-16.00.log.txt
> ## Open Specs
> Search query: https://goo.gl/pc8cCf
> We only have one spec proposed for Queens still under review:
> Limits API: https://review.openstack.org/455709
> ## Recently Merged Changes
> Search query: https://goo.gl/hdD9Kw
> We merged 24 changes this week. Notably, we merged a few Queens specs
> and some policy roadmaps:
> Repropose application credentials to queens: 
> https://review.openstack.org/512505
> Specification for system roles: https://review.openstack.org/460344
> Outline policy goals: https://review.openstack.org/460344
> Add policy roadmap for security: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462733/
> ## Changes that need Attention
> Search query:https://goo.gl/YiLt6o
> There are 51 changes that are passing CI and have no negative reviews,
> so these authors are waiting for feedback from reviewers. Please give
> them a look.
> That doesn't mean you should ignore changes that are failing CI or
> have negative reviews, it's just that the changes highlighted here are
> more likely to be in the reviewers' court rather than a requiring a
> new revision from the author. Sometimes negative votes are misplaced
> or CI needs to be fixed project-wide so this doesn't necessarily mean
> that this list is the only one to mind.
> ## Milestone Outlook
> https://releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html
> Queens-2 is next week. That means the specification freeze is on
> December 8 and all Queens specifications must be merged by then or
> will be pushed to the next release. The only open spec affected by
> this is the Limits API spec.
> ## Shout-outs
> wangxiyuan has been doing a ton of awesome work squashing our bugs and
> taking on the Unified Limits feature. Thanks wangxiyuan!
> ## Help with this newsletter
> Help contribute to this newsletter by editing the etherpad:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-team-newsletter
This is a wonderful summary, Colleen, thank you for taking the time to
write this up!
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