On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Matt Riedemann <mriede...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew Laski also mentioned in IRC that we didn't replace the original
> instance.image_ref with the shelved image id because the shelve operation
> should be transparent to the end user, they have the same image (not
> really), same volumes, same IPs, etc once they unshelve. And he mentioned
> that if you rebuild, for example, you'd then rebuild to the original image
> instead of the shelved snapshot image.

I was wondering about exactly this.  As a cloud user I would expect
rebuild without explicitly specifying an image to give me the same
thing it did on the initial build.  I suppose it would depend if
shelve/unshelve is supposed to me transparent like Andrew mentioned.
I would assume it would be without reading differently.



Dean Troyer

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