Hi Kaz,

2017-12-05 18:45 GMT+09:00 Kaz Shinohara <ksnhr.t...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Akihiro, Horizon & Heat team,
> We've slightly updated your change for the split out, please check
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523402/

Thanks for updating the horizon patch. Is it ready to merge from the
perspective of heat dashboard team?

> One non-voting job failed but hopefully not related to this change.

The failing non-voting job is not related to the patch.
It is for Django 2.0 support but horizon has not support Django 2.0,
so it always fails now.

> In parallel, we could confirm that heat-dashboard works without any
> issue along with this change.
> Also resolved the points what Akihiro kindly commented.
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/heat-dashboard-review-point
> The thing we should discuss going forward is how to handle admin info
> panel for Heat.
> Personally information we can see from the panel is really limited,
> just a list of heat engine services, so might be ok to be removed.
> https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/admin/info/tables.py#L256
> I've never seen other dashboards supporting admin functions, better to
> follow others & keep simplicity.
> Any opinion will be welcome :)

Yeah, it makes sense.

Perhaps the system panel needs to be pluggable.
As of now, it sounds no problem to remove the list of head services temporarily.


> Regards,
> Kaz
> 2017-11-29 12:39 GMT+09:00 Kaz Shinohara <ksnhr.t...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Akihiro,
>> Thanks for your quick response!
>> As you requested, we will check & update your patch to slit out heat
>> support from Horizon repo.
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523402/
>> Also replied for your comment in our etherpad, please kindly check.
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/heat-dashboard-review-point
>> Regards,
>> Kaz
>> 2017-11-28 21:08 GMT+09:00 Akihiro Motoki <amot...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Kaz,
>>> Good hear the good progress of heat-dashboard. Thanks.
>>> I created a blueprint in horizon to track the effort (mainly in
>>> horizon side) and assign it to you:
>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/heat-dashboard-split-out
>>> I also left comments in your etherpad.
>>> I think it is time to prepare a patch which drops heat-dashboard code
>>> from horizon and test the new dashboard with it. Could you propose the
>>> patch?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Akihiro
>>> 2017-11-28 16:32 GMT+09:00 Kaz Shinohara <ksnhr.t...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Horizon team,
>>>> As I talked with Rob & Ying in Sydney, now heat-dashboard repo is
>>>> ready, please kindly review it.
>>>> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/heat-dashboard
>>>> Also we described points to be clarified in this review, if you find
>>>> anything to be noted/fixed, please feel free to put your comment on
>>>> this etherpad, we will respond to them.
>>>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/heat-dashboard-review-point
>>>> We are planning to land heat-dashboard in queens-2, hopefully we will
>>>> fix any issue until then.
>>>> Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kaz Shinohara
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