Hi Armando,

It's been a great pleasure working with you. We appreciate your hard work
and dedication.
Best wishes and good luck at your new commitments.


2017-12-16 4:01 GMT+09:00 Armando M. <arma...@gmail.com>:

> Hi neutrinos,
> To some of you this email may not come as a surprise.
> During the past few months my upstream community engagements have been
> more and more sporadic. While I tried hard to stay committed and fulfill my
> core responsibilities I feel like I failed to retain the level of quality
> and consistency that I would have liked ever since I stepped down from
> being the Neutron PTL back at the end of Ocata.
> I stated many times when talking to other core developers that being core
> is a duty rather than a privilege, and I personally feel like it's way
> overdue for me to recognize on the mailing list that it's the time that I
> state officially my intention to step down due to other commitments.
> This does not mean that I will disappear tomorrow. I'll continue to be on
> neutron IRC channels, support the neutron team, being the release liasion
> for Queens, participate at meetings, and be open to providing feedback to
> anyone who thinks my opinion is still valuable, especially when dealing
> with the neutron quirks for which I might be (git) blamed :)
> Cheers,
> Armando
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