Excerpts from Matthew Treinish's message of 2018-01-17 17:16:19 -0500:
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:01:13PM +0000, Kwan, Louie wrote:
> > Would like to add the following module to openstack.masakari project
> > 
> > https://github.com/pytransitions/transitions
> > 
> > Got the following error with zuul requirements-check
> > 
> > Requirement set([Requirement(package=u'transitions', location='', 
> > specifiers='>=0.6.4', markers=u'', comment='', extras=frozenset([]))]) not 
> > in openstack/requirements
> > 
> > http://logs.openstack.org/88/534888/3/check/requirements-check/edec7bf/ara/
> > 
> > Any tip or insight to fix it?
> That error is caused by the dependency you're adding not being tracked in
> global requirements. To add it to the masakari project you first have to 
> add it to the openstack/requirements project.
> The process for doing that is documented in:
> https://docs.openstack.org/requirements/latest/
> That link also explains the reasoning behind why we handle adding dependencies
> centrally like this.
> -Matt Treinish

Please take a little time to look through the list of dependencies
in that repository to see if we have a finite state machine library
in the list already.  If so, see if you can use that one instead
of adding a new dependency to the system.


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