Note: this is the sixth edition of a weekly update of what happens in TripleO.
The goal is to provide a short reading (less than 5 minutes) to learn
where we are and what we're doing.
Any contributions and feedback are welcome.
Link to the previous version:

| General announcements |

+--> Shipping Queens milestone 3 this week.
+--> 2 new contributors this week: David Vallee Delisle and Lars Brune. Welcome!
+--> The team should be planning for Rocky and next PTG:
+--> Specs targeted to Queens need to move to Rocky or will be abandoned.

| Continuous Integration |

+--> Rover is Wes and ruck is John. Please let them know any new CI issue.
+--> Master promotion is 18 days, Pike is 17 days and Ocata is 17 days.
+--> The team is still working on getting a promotion asap.
+--> Sprint 7 started a week ago, team is focusing on internal ci jobs.
+--> OVB jobs are now run in RDO cloud only and not RH1 anymore.
+--> More:

| Upgrades |

+--> CI is now testing upgrades from Ocata to Pike and it works fine!
+--> Reviews are needed on FFU, Queens upgrade workflow and undercloud backup.
+--> More:

| Containers |

+--> Kubernetes: dealing with networking during OpenShift deployment.
+--> Containerized undercloud: work is targeted for Rocky at this
point. We want to make the job voting and switch multinode jobs to
only deploy a containerized undercloud and run tempest. More to
discuss at PTG.
+--> Containerized overcloud: good progress on "container prepare"
+--> More:

| Integration |

+--> Need reviews on Manila/CephNFS (FFE asked on ML)
+--> Multiple Ceph clusters was moved to Rocky.
+--> More:

| UI/CLI |

+--> Working through NPM issues.
+--> Roles management tripleo-common and tripleo-ui patches still
ready/needing to get merged ASAP
+--> Many Rocky planning/discussions, focusing on making UI best place
to configure network
+--> More:

| Validations |

+--> No updates this week.
+--> More:

| Networking |

+--> No updates this week.
+--> More:

| Workflows |

+--> No updates this week.
+--> More:

| Owl facts |

The Taliabu Masked Owl is a medium-sized owl with no ear-tufts. It is
Also known as the Sula Island Masked Owl. Very little is known about
this rare species.
The facial disc is pale reddish-brown, becoming darker towards the
eyes. The rim is similar in colour. The eyes are blackish-brown, and
the bill blackish-grey.
Upperparts are dark brown, with whitish speckles from the crown to the
lower back and on the wing coverts. Primaries are uniform brown with
whitish tips. The tail is brown with three darker bars.
Underparts are deep golden-brown with dark spots, with some of the
spots having pale areas.
Legs are feathered reddish-brown to the lower third of the tarsi. The
toes and the bare parts of the tarsi are grey. The claws are blackish.
Very important: Voice: A hissing sound typical of barn owls.
Our friends from the Taliabu Island in the Sula Archipelago in the
Moluccan Sea are very lucky to have this owl!

Stay tuned!
Your fellow reporter, Emilien Macchi

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