So I guess my question here is why is being RESTful good? Sure it's (very,
very loosely) a standard, but what are the actual advantages? Standards
come and go, what we want most of all is a good quality, easy to use API.

I'm not saying that going RESTful is wrong, but I don't see much discussion
about what the advantages are, only about how close we are to implementing

On 1 Feb 2018 10:55 pm, "Ed Leafe" <> wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2018, at 4:07 AM, TommyLike Hu <> wrote:
> >    Recently We found an issue related to our OpenStack action APIs. We
> usually expose our OpenStack APIs by registering them to our API Gateway
> (for instance Kong [1]), but it becomes very difficult when regarding to
> action APIs. We can not register and control them seperately because them
> all share the same request url which will be used as the identity in the
> gateway service, not say rate limiting and other advanced gateway features,
> take a look at the basic resources in OpenStack
> We discussed your email at today’s API-SIG meeting [0]. This is an area
> that is always contentious in the RESTful world. Actions, tasks, and state
> changes are not actual resources, and in a pure REST design they should
> never be part of the URL. Instead, you should POST to the actual resource,
> with the desired action in the body. So in your example:
> > URL:/volumes/{volume_id}/action
> > BODY:{'extend':{}}
> the preferred way of achieving this is:
> URL: POST /volumes/{volume_id}
> BODY: {‘action’: ‘extend’, ‘params’: {}}
> The handler for the POST action should inspect the body, and call the
> appropriate method.
> Having said that, we realize that a lot of OpenStack services have adopted
> the more RPC-like approach that you’ve outlined. So while we strongly
> recommend a standard RESTful approach, if you have already released an
> RPC-like API, our advice is:
> a) avoid having every possible verb in the URL. In other words, don’t use:
>   /volumes/{volume_id}/mount
>   /volumes/{volume_id}/umount
>   /volumes/{volume_id}/extend
> This moves you further into RPC-land, and will make updating your API to a
> more RESTful design more difficult.
> b) choose a standard term for the item in the URL. In other words, always
> use ‘action’ or ‘task’ or whatever else you have adopted. Don’t mix
> terminology. Then pass the action to perform, along with any parameters in
> the body. This will make it easier to transition to a RESTful design by
> later updating the handlers to first inspect the BODY instead of relying
> upon the URL to determine what action to perform.
> You might also want to contact the Kong developers to see if there is a
> way to work with a RESTful API design.
> -- Ed Leafe
> [0]
> sig.2018-02-01-16.02.log.html#l-28
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