Starting about 24 hours ago, we have been notified CI gate failure
although we haven't changed anything to our project locally. Before that
we have spent quite some time making the out-of-tree tempest plugins
work on gate.

After checking the log again and again ... we found the following logs
from Keystone:

Feb 05 03:31:12.609492 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-dfcbf106-fbf5-41bd-9012-3c65d1de5f9a None admin] Could not find
project: service.: ProjectNotFound: Could not find project: service.

Feb 05 03:31:13.845694 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-50feed46-7c15-425d-bec7-1b4a7ccf6859 None admin] Could not find
service: clustering.: ServiceNotFound: Could not find service:

Feb 05 03:31:12.552647 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-0a5e660f-dad6-4779-aea4-dd6969c728e6 None admin] Could not find
domain: Default.: DomainNotFound: Could not find domain: Default.

Feb 05 03:31:12.441128 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-7eb9ed90-28fc-40aa-8a41-d560f7a156c9 None admin] Could not find
user: senlin.: UserNotFound: Could not find user: senlin.

Feb 05 03:31:12.336572 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-19e52d02-5471-49a2-8acd-360199d8c6e0 None admin] Could not find
role: admin.: RoleNotFound: Could not find role: admin.

Feb 05 03:28:33.797665 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-544cd822-18a4-4f7b-913d-297716418239 None admin] Could not find
user: glance.: UserNotFound: Could not find user: glance.

Feb 05 03:28:29.993214 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING py.warnings [None
req-dc411d9c-6ab9-44e3-9afb-20e5e7034f12 None admin]
UserWarning: Policy identity:create_endpoint failed scope check. The
token used to make the request was project scoped but the policy
requires ['system'] scope. This behavior may change in the future where
using the intended scope is required

Feb 05 03:28:29.920892 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-gra1-0002362092
devstack@keystone.service[24845]: WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [None
req-32a4a378-d6d3-411e-9842-2178e577af27 None admin] Could not find
service: compute.: ServiceNotFound: Could not find service: compute.



So I'm wondering what the hack happened? Keystone version bump?
Devstack changed? Tempest settings changed? 
Why are we merging these changes near the end of a cycle when people are
focusing on stabilizing things?

Any hints on these are highly appreciated.

- Qiming

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