Greetings OpenStack community,

Today's meeting was chock-full of interesting discussion. Let me recap it for 

We began with a follow-up conversation about the use of "action" URLs (as 
opposed to resource-based URLs). The origin of this discussion came from an 
email posted to the dev list by Tommy Hu [7], describing how several types of 
actions are currently being handled through the cinder and nova REST 
interfaces. After last week's API-SIG discussion, edleafe replied [8], which 
was followed by some more email discussion. It seems that there is still a lot 
of impetus to simply "get things working" instead of "let's do it in a 
consistent manner across OpenStack". If you have an opinion on this issue, 
please reply on the mailing list!

On the topic of the PTG, the SIG has created an etherpad [9] where agenda items 
are starting to be proposed. If you have any topic that you would like to 
discuss, or see discussed, please add it to that etherpad. We also decided that 
we are not cute enough to merit taking a group photo at the PTG.

We discussed the spec by Gilles Dubreuil [10] for creating a guideline for 
API-Schema to make APIs more machine-discoverable. We felt that this was more 
of a one-off need rather than something we'd like to see rolled out across all 
OpenStack APIs. Furthermore, API-Schema will be problematic for services that 
use microversions. If you have some insight or opinions on this, please add 
your comments to that review.

cdent then won the award for the Quote of the Day [11].

Finally, we discussed a bug [12] that is the result of the Nova API not 
properly including caching information in the headers of its replies. There is 
some pushback from the Nova team as to whether this is a bug or a request for a 
new feature. We unanimously agreed that it is indeed a bug, and should be 
remedied as soon as possible. Again, please add your perspective to that bug 

As always if you're interested in helping out, in addition to coming to the 
meetings, there's also:

* The list of bugs [5] indicates several missing or incomplete guidelines.
* The existing guidelines [2] always need refreshing to account for changes 
over time. If you find something that's not quite right, submit a patch [6] to 
fix it.
* Have you done something for which you think guidance would have made things 
easier but couldn't find any? Submit a patch and help others [6].

# Newly Published Guidelines

None this week.

# API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze

Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community.

None this week.

# Guidelines Currently Under Review [3]

* Add guideline on exposing microversions in SDKs

* Add API-schema guide (still being defined)

* A (shrinking) suite of several documents about doing version and service 
  Start at

* WIP: microversion architecture archival doc (very early; not yet ready for 

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API SIG about APIs that you are 
developing or changing, please address your concerns in an email to the 
OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the subject. In 
your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to 
help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are facing.

To learn more about the API SIG mission and the work we do, see our wiki page 
[4] and guidelines [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

# References


Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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