At the Dublin PTG the manila team did a retrospective on the
Queens release -- raw etherpad here [1].

We summarize it here to separate it from the otherwise
forward-looking manila PTG summary (coming soon).

# Keep Doing #

- queens bug smashes, especially the Wuhan bug smash [2]
  + (mostly new) contributors from 5+ companies including
    99cloud, fibrehome, chinamobile, H3c, easystack, Huawei
- bug czar role & meeting slot [3]
- trying to tag even earlier than deadlines

# Do less of / Stop Doing #

- blind rechecks
  + reviewers need to pay attention to recheck history and
    push back on merges that ignore intermittent issues
  + even if the issue is unrelated to the patch we should have
    an associated bug
- letting reviews languish, especially for contributors outside
    US timezones
  + need more systematic approach (see suggestions below) to
    review backlog

# Do More Of #

- Root cause analysis and fixing of failing tests in gate
- Groom bug lists, especially before bug smashes
- Make contributor's guide with review checklists
- Use mail-list more for asynch communication across timezones
- Help people use IRC bouncers
- Keep etherpad/dashboards for pending reviews
- Improve docs for new driver contributors

# Action Items #

- Tom will develop etherpad for priority reviews
- Ben will share past review etherpads / gerrit dashboards
    (Done: see raw etherpad [3] but Tom will work to get these
    unified and findable)
- Ganso will create etherpad to collaborate on reviewer/contributor
- Tom will check how Cinder fixed log filtering problem

-- Tom Barron


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