Hi everyone,

During the recent PTG in Dublin, it was decided that we'd prototype a way
forward with Ansible tasks in TripleO that adhere to Ansible best
practises, creating dedicated roles with unique git repositories and RPM
packaging per role.

With a view to moving in this direction, a couple of us on the TripleO team
have begun developing tooling to facilitate this.  Initially we've worked
on a tool [0] to extract Ansible tasks lists from tripleo-heat-templates
and move them into new formally structured Ansible roles.

An example with the existing keystone docker service [1]:

The upgrade_tasks block will become:

  - import_role:
      name: tripleo-role-keystone
      tasks_from: upgrade.yaml

The fast_forward_upgrade_tasks block will become:

  - import_role:
      name: tripleo-role-keystone
      tasks_from: fast_forward_upgrade.yaml

And this role [2] will be structured:

└── tasks
    ├── fast_forward_upgrade.yaml
    ├── main.yaml
    └── upgrade.yaml

We'd love to hear any feedback from the community as we move towards this.

Thank you,
David Peacock

[2] https://github.com/davidjpeacock/tripleo-role-keystone
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