On Fri, 30 Mar 2018 at 08:45 Paul Grist <pgr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:32 PM, Emilien Macchi <emil...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Greeting folks,
>> During the last PTG we spent time discussing some ideas around an
>> All-In-One installer, using 100% of the TripleO bits to deploy a single
>> node OpenStack very similar with what we have today with the containerized
>> undercloud and what we also have with other tools like Packstack or
>> Devstack.
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-rocky-all-in-one
>> One of the problems that we're trying to solve here is to give a simple
>> tool for developers so they can both easily and quickly deploy an OpenStack
>> for their needs.
>> Big +1 on the concept,  thanks to all those putting effort into this.
>> "As a developer, I need to deploy OpenStack in a VM on my laptop, quickly
>> and without complexity, reproducing the same exact same tooling as TripleO
>> is using."
>> "As a Neutron developer, I need to develop a feature in Neutron and test
>> it with TripleO in my local env."
>> "As a TripleO dev, I need to implement a new service and test its
>> deployment in my local env."
>> "As a developer, I need to reproduce a bug in TripleO CI that blocks the
>> production chain, quickly and simply."
> Would this also be an opportunity for CI to enable lighter weight sanity
> and preliminary tests?
> "As a project, I want to implement a TripleO CI gate to detect regressions
> early, but have resource and test execution time constraints"
You are 100% correct sir.  That is the opportunity and intention we have
here.  Moving forward I see a single node installer that is comprable to
devstack/packstack as a requirement for the project as we continue to
improve the deployment to enable other projects to test/ci with TripleO in
their check jobs.

Thanks for responding and your support!

>> Probably more use cases, but to me that's what came into my mind now.
>> Dan kicked-off a doc patch a month ago:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/547038/
>> And I just went ahead and proposed a blueprint:
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/all-in-one
>> So hopefully we can start prototyping something during Rocky.
>> Before talking about the actual implementation, I would like to gather
>> feedback from people interested by the use-cases. If you recognize yourself
>> in these use-cases and you're not using TripleO today to test your things
>> because it's too complex to deploy, we want to hear from you.
>> I want to see feedback (positive or negative) about this idea. We need to
>> gather ideas, use cases, needs, before we go design a prototype in Rocky.
>> Thanks everyone who'll be involved,
>> --
>> Emilien Macchi
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