
Thank you very much for brining up this topic.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 2:50 AM, Emilien Macchi <emil...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Steve Baker and I had a quick chat today about the work that is being done
> around containers workflow in Rocky cycle.
> If you're not familiar with the topic, I suggest to first read the blueprint
> to understand the context here:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/container-prepare-workflow
> One of the great outcomes of this blueprint is that in Rocky, the operator
> won't have to run all the "openstack overcloud container" commands to
> prepare the container registry and upload the containers. Indeed, it'll be
> driven by Heat and Mistral mostly.

I am trying to think as operator and it's very similar to 'openstack
container' which is swift. So it might be confusing I guess.

> But today our discussion extended on 2 uses-cases that we're going to
> explore and find how we can address them:
> 1) I'm a developer and want to deploy a containerized undercloud with
> customized containers (more or less related to the all-in-one discussions on
> another thread [1]).
> 2) I'm submitting a patch in tripleo-common (let's say a workflow) and need
> my patch to be tested when the undercloud is containerized (see [2] for an
> excellent example).

That's very nice initiative.

> Both cases would require additional things:
> - The container registry needs to be deployed *before* actually installing
> the undercloud.
> - We need a tool to update containers from this registry and *before*
> deploying them. We already have this tool in place in our CI for the
> overcloud (see [3] and [4]). Now we need a similar thing for the undercloud.

I would use external registry in this case. Quay.io might be a good
choice to have rock solid simplicity. It might not be good for CI as
requires very strong connectivity but it should be sufficient for

> Next steps:
> - Agree that we need to deploy the container-registry before the undercloud.
> - If agreed, we'll create a new Ansible role called
> ansible-role-container-registry that for now will deploy exactly what we
> have in TripleO, without extra feature.

Deploy own registry as part of UC deployment or use external. For
instance, for production use I would like to have a cluster of 3-5
registries with HAProxy in front to speed up 1k nodes deployments.

> - Drive the playbook runtime from tripleoclient to bootstrap the container
> registry (which of course could be disabled in undercloud.conf).
> - Create another Ansible role that would re-use container-check tool but the
> idea is to provide a role to modify containers when needed, and we could
> also control it from tripleoclient. The role would be using the
> ContainerImagePrepare parameter, which Steve is working on right now.
> Feedback is welcome, thanks.
> [1] All-In-One thread:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-March/128900.html
> [2] Bug report when undercloud is containeirzed
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1762422
> [3] Tool to update containers if needed:
> https://github.com/imain/container-check
> [4] Container-check running in TripleO CI:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558885/ and
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529399/
> --
> Emilien Macchi
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Best Regards,
Sergii Golovatiuk

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