Hello teams,

I am following up on some recently announced changes regarding governed
projects and tagging rights. See [1] for background.

It was mostly followed before that when a project came under official
governance that all tagging and releases would then move to using the
openstack/releases repo and associated automation. It was not officially stated
until recently that this was one of the steps of coming under governance, so
there were a few projects that became official but that continued to do their
own releases.

We've cleaned up most projects' rights to push tags, but for the ones listed
here we waited:

- rally
- dragflow
- ec2-api
- networking-powervm
- nova-powervm
- yaql

We would like to finish cleaning up the ACLs for these, but I wanted to check
with the teams to make sure there wasn't a reason why these repos had continued
tagging separately. Please let me know, either here or in the
#openstack-release channel, if there is something we are overlooking.

Thanks for your attention.

Sean (smcginnis)

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