As I understand, this is due to a not-yet-completed transition in networking-odl after stopping the use of the tools/ and relying on the tox-sibling CI role instead.

I'm not able to explain the difference between the two "pip install" run variants that you see, though.

For the record, a distinct side effect of the same incomplete transition is also tracked in [1] : having networking-bgpvpn depend on networking-odl from git (relying on black-magic by the tox-siblings ansible role and 'required-project' job configuration) would not work anymore after the change in networking-odl to depend on ceilometer with '-e git+...'.



On 18/04/2018 04:48, Jeffrey Zhang wrote:

Recently, one of networking-odl package breaks kolla's gate[0]. The direct issue is ceilometer is added in networking-odl's requirements.txt file[1]

Then when install network-odl with upper-contraints.txt file, it will raise error like

$ pip install -c ./networking-odl
collecting networking-bgpvpn>=8.0.0 (from networking-odl==12.0.1.dev54)
Downloading (172kB)
  100% |████████████████████████████████| 174kB 12.0MB/s
Collecting ceilometer (from networking-odl==12.0.1.dev54)
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ceilometer (from networking-odl==12.0.1.dev54) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for ceilometer (from networking-odl==12.0.1.dev54)

But if you just install the networking-odl's requirements.txt file, it works

$ pip install -c -r ./networking-odl/requirements.txt
Obtaining ceilometer from git+ (from -r networking-odl/requirements.txt (line 21))   Cloning (to revision master) to /home/jeffrey/.dotfiles/virtualenvs/test/src/ceilometer

Is this expected? and how could we fix this?


Jeffrey Zhang
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