On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 1:58 AM, James E. Blair <cor...@inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> If you've had difficulty overriding jobs in project-templates, please
> read and provide feedback on this proposed change.
> We tried to make the Zuul v3 configuration language as intuitive as
> possible, and incorporated a lot that we learned from our years running
> Zuul v2.  One thing that we didn't anticipate was how folks would end up
> wanting to use a job in both project-templates *and* local project
> stanzas.
> Essentially, we had assumed that if you wanted to control how a job was
> run, you would add it to a project stanza directly rather that use a
> project-template.  It's easy to do so if you use one or the other.
> However, it turns out there are lots of good reasons to use both.  For
> example, in a project-template we may want to establish a recommended
> way to run a job, or that a job should always be run with a set of
> related jobs.  Yet a project may still want to indicate that job should
> only run on certain changes in that specific repo.
> To be very specific -- a very commonly expressed frustration is that a
> project can't specify a "files" or "irrelevant-files" matcher to
> override a job that appears in a project-template.
> Reconciling those is difficult, largely because once Zuul decides to run
> a job (for example, by a declaration in a project-template) it is
> impossible to dissuade it from running that job by adding any extra
> configuration to a project.  We need to tread carefully when fixing
> this, because quite a number of related concepts could be affected.  For
> instance, we need to preserve branch independence (a change to stop
> running a job in one branch shouldn't affect others).  And we need to
> preserve the ability for job variants to layer on to each other (a
> project-local variant should still be able to alter a variant in a
> project-template).
> I propose that we remedy this by making a small change to how Zuul
> determines that a job should run:
> When a job appears multiple times on a project (for instance if it
> appears in a project-template and also on the project itself), all of
> the project-local variants which match the item's branch must also match
> the item in order for the job to run.  In other words, if a job appears
> in a project-template used by a project and on the project, then both
> must match.

I might be misunderstanding at which point a job is chosen to be ran and
therefore when it's too late to dissuade it. However, if possible, would it
make more sense for the project-local copy of a job to overwrite the
supplied files and irrelevant-files? This would allow a project to run a
job when it otherwise doesn't match.

What happens when something is in both files and irrelevant-files? If the
project-template is trying to say A is in 'files', but the project-local
says A is in 'irrelevant-files', should that overwrite it?


> This effectively causes the "files" and "irrelevant-files" attributes on
> all of the project-local job definitions matching a given branch to be
> combined.  The combination of multiple files matchers behaves as a
> union, and irrelevant-files matchers as an intersection.
> ================  ========  =======  =======
> Matcher           Template  Project  Result
> ================  ========  =======  =======
> files             AB        BC       ABC
> irrelevant-files  AB        BC       B
> ================  ========  =======  =======
> I believe this will address the shortcoming identified above, but before
> we get too far in implementing it, I'd like to ask folks to take a
> moment and evaluate whether it will address the issues you've seen, or
> if you foresee any problems which I haven't anticipated.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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