Congrats on the improvements, Jim! Sounds like this is going to make a huge difference. Go Zuul!


James E. Blair <>
April 30, 2018 at 10:03 AM

We recently made some changes to Zuul which you may want to know about
if you interact with a large number of projects.

Previously, each change to Zuul which updated Zuul's configuration
(e.g., a change to a project's zuul.yaml file) would consume a
significant amount of memory. If we had too many of these in the queue
at a time, the server would run out of RAM. To mitigate this, we asked
folks who regularly submit large numbers of configuration changes to
only submit a few at a time.

We have updated Zuul so it now caches much more of its configuration,
and the cost in memory of an additional configuration change is very
small. An added bonus: they are computed more quickly as well.

Of course, there's still a cost to every change pushed up to Gerrit --
each one uses test nodes, for instance, so if you need to make a large
number of changes, please do consider the impact to the whole system and
other users. However, there's no longer a need to severely restrict
configuration changes as a class -- consider them as any other change.


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