
I wanted to make everyone aware that I recorded a demo of running an OVB deployment on a public cloud. As I say in the video, this is significant because in the past OVB has largely been limited to running in our special-purpose CI clouds, which have distinctly finite capacity and are generally not as available for developer access. Anybody can use a public cloud though, and it opens up a bunch more potential capacity.

Anyway, the demo and a more detailed writeup are available here: http://blog.nemebean.com/content/openstack-virtual-baremetal-public-cloud

It's running on Vexxhost because that's the first public cloud I found that had all the features necessary to run OVB. If anyone knows of others that meet the requirements I'd certainly be interested to hear about it.

Hopefully this can help with the developer hardware constraints that we seem to be constantly fighting in TripleO. Let me know if you have any feedback.



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