Bogdan Dobrelya <> writes:

> Added a few more patches [0], [1] by the discussion results. PTAL folks.
> Wrt remaining in the topic, I'd propose to give it a try and revert
> it, if it proved to be worse than better.
> Thank you for feedback!
> The next step could be reusing artifacts, like DLRN repos and
> containers built for patches and hosted undercloud, in the consequent
> pipelined jobs. But I'm not sure how to even approach that.
> [0]
> [1]

In order to use an artifact in a dependent job, you need to store it
somewhere and retrieve it.

In the parent job, I'd recommend storing the artifact on the log server
(in an "artifacts/" directory) next to the job's logs.  The log server
is essentially a time-limited artifact repository keyed on the zuul
build UUID.

Pass the URL to the child job using the zuul_return Ansible module.

Have the child job fetch it from the log server using the URL it gets.

However, don't do that if the artifacts are very large -- more than a
few MB -- we'll end up running out of space quickly.

In that case, please volunteer some time to help the infra team set up a
swift container to store these artifacts.  We don't need to *run*
swift -- we have clouds with swift already.  We just need some help
setting up accounts, secrets, and Ansible roles to use it from Zuul.


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