On 12/13/13, 4:50 AM, "Thierry Carrez" <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:

>If you remove Jenkins and attach Paul Kehrer, jqxin2006 (Michael Xin),
>Arash Ghoreyshi, Chad Lung and Steven Gonzales to Rackspace, then the
>picture is:
>67% of commits come from a single person (John Wood)
>96% of commits come from a single company (Rackspace)
>I think that's a bit brittle: if John Wood or Rackspace were to decide
>to place their bets elsewhere, the project would probably die instantly.
>I would feel more comfortable if a single individual didn't author more
>than 50% of the changes, and a single company didn't sponsor more than
>80% of the changes.

I think these numbers somewhat miss the point. It is true that Rackspace
is the primary sponsor of Barbican and that John Wood is the developer
that has been on the project the longest. However, % of commits is not the
only measure of contributions to the project. That number doesn¹t include
the work on our chef-automation scripts or design work to figure out the
HSM interfaces or work on the testing suite or writing our documentation
or the million other tasks for the project.

Rackspace is committed to this project. If John Wood leaves, we¹ll hire
additional developers to replace him. There is no risk of the project
lacking resources because a single person decides to work on something

We¹ve seen other folks from HP, RedHat, Nebula, etc. say that they are
interested in contributing and we are getting outside contributions today.
That will only continue, but I think the risk of the project somehow
collapsing is being overstated.

There are problems that aren¹t necessarily the sexiest things to work on,
but need to be done. It may be hard to get a large number of people
interested in such a project in a short period of time. I think it would
be a mistake to reject projects that solve important problems just because
the team is a bit one sided at the time.


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