The vote has passed, with 12 people voting, and them all being +1.

Welcome to the core kolla-cli reviewer team Steve.

I have made the appropriate gerrit changes so you now have "the power".

-- Borne

On 05/31/2018 10:02 AM, Borne Mace wrote:
Greetings all,

I would like to propose the addition of Steve Noyes to the kolla-cli core reviewer team. Consider this nomination as my personal +1.

Steve has a long history with the kolla-cli and should be considered its co-creator as probably half or more of the existing code was due to his efforts. He has now been working diligently since it was pushed upstream to improve the stability and testability of the cli and has the second most commits on the project.

The kolla core team consists of 19 people, and the kolla-cli team of 2, for a total of 21. Steve therefore requires a minimum of 11 votes (so just 10 more after my +1), with no veto -2 votes within a 7 day voting window to end on June 6th. Voting will be closed immediately on a veto or in the case of a unanimous vote.

As I'm not sure how active all of the 19 kolla cores are, your attention and timely vote is much appreciated.


-- Borne

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