Your long awaited countdown email...

Development Focus

Teams should be focused on implementing planned work for the cycle. It is also
a good time to review those plans and reprioritize anything if needed based on
the what progress has been made and what looks realistic to complete in the
next few weeks.

General Information

We have a few deadlines coming up as we get closer to the end of the cycle:
    * Non-client libraries (generally, any library that is not
      python-${PROJECT}client) must have a final release by July 19. Only
      critical bugfixes will be allowed past this point. Please make sure any
      important feature works has required library changes by this time.
    * Client libraries must have a final release by July 26.

Thierry posted an initial schedule for the PTG in September. Please take a look
and make sure it looks OK for your team:

Upcoming Deadlines & Dates

Final non-client library release deadline: July 19
Final client library release deadline: July 26
Rocky-3 Milestone: July 26

Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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